Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Local Restaurant and Western Restaurant

When trying to decide where to dine, either at a local restaurant or at a western restaurant, patrons should consider several aspects that concern these dining places. Some of these aspects include the food selection, the service provided and the ambience of each restaurant. When we talk about the food selection, both the restaurant must have a variety of menus as this is one that captured the quality required to be on every restaurant. However, as we all know, Malaysian people are of different race.So, usually, we can find three types of food at local restaurant such as nasi lemak of Malay cuisine, Chinese cuisine such as Char Kway Teow and Indian cuisine like roti canai. For western restaurant, although their foods recently are influence by the local food but its main foods are usually steak, chicken chop and spaghetti. Besides that, the western restaurants usually are sequential in serving their foods which are the appetizer, main course and desserts.On the other hand, the local r estaurant is only having the main course and only some of the local restaurants provide dessert like cendol or ais kacang. Secondly, when going to restaurant, we usually are comparing the service of the restaurant with the others. So, when comparing local restaurant with western restaurant, western restaurant will give a good impression to us. Western restaurants usually employ more waiter and waitress that are trained well whereas the waiter and waitress of local restaurant are usually shorthanded and we even can find some of them act rude to the customers.Due to more number of waiters, the food service for western restaurant is better than local restaurant where we can experience of waiting for so long for our foods at local restaurant. Furthermore, the waiters of western are usually standardized with their own uniform as the badge for the restaurant while local restaurant’s waiters are not provided with uniform by the restaurant. As the conclusion, we can say that western restaurant give more efficient service than the local restaurant.Another difference between western restaurant and local restaurant is the ambience. Both western and local restaurant will provide a place with relaxed and soothing environment to the customers so that they will feel comfortable to dine. However, western restaurant have quiet ambience with soft music sets whereas the local restaurant is a bit noisy and usually not included with musical set instead some are included by a karaoke set. Furthermore, western restaurants are designed with modern and creative high class decorative ffects to attract attention and impress the customers. In contrast, local restaurants are simply decorated, but have so many atmospheres which are compatible with its modest budget. However, both are design and decorate well so that the customers can look around and find a new item and experience if they have to wait. Thus, to decide whether to dine at a local restaurant or western restaurant, facto rs such as the food selection, ambience of the restaurant and the service provided should be taken into consideration.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Decolonization and Revolution Essay

From 1945 and beyond, leaders have selected different paths to affect change. Some encouraged independence through violence, peaceful actions, diplomacy, and the commitment of their struggling nation. Others sparked revolutions by appealing to the peoples’ needs. Through policy, and sometimes uniting a people, trailblazers changed the face and structure of their nation. A column from a journalist during the time period would help to see a broader perspective during such varying and exciting time. Decolonization, revolution, and nation building are all goals of any effective leader willing to make a change. Spanning from 1945 to 1975, countless independence movements have changed societies across the globe, led by leaders and organizations who all yearned for better. The â€Å"Declaration Against Colonialism,† adopted by the United Nations, took a firm stand on the demise of colonialism. The document petitioned for a definite end to colonialism and encouraged self-determination, stating that all human beings have a right to their own societal and political choices. Such a statement coming from an organization comprised and backed by countless nations surely stands its ground. The United Nations, supporting the end of colonialism, inspired countries to strive for freedom through the organizations obvious power. It also displayed the end of a colonial era, seeing as though many colony-yielding nations were members of the UN. (Doc 1). Ho Chi Minh, Vietnamese nationalist, too felt the need for freedom. Minch expressed the Vietnamese’s determination to end French colonization i n their country. Minch made it clear that violence would be condoned and encouraged to win this battle. Ho Chi Minch embodied Vietnams’ fighting will for a separation and willingness to shed blood in the process. (Doc 2). In a similar suit, Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya shared his hate for colonialism and his approval of violence. He claims that Kenya belongs to its inhabitants, not colonizers who held his people back. Kenyatta believed that the only way to approach self-rule is through bloodshed. (Doc 6). Mohandas Gandhi of India had a quite parallel approach. From an excerpt written by him, it is seen that  Gandhi believed the path to independence was paved with nonviolence and self-sacrifice. Gandhi in many ways led Indians to Independence. Even after his death, he was a guiding light for those who coveted an India without the British. (Doc 3). Kwame Nkrumah, leader of Ghana’s independence, expressed his goal dismay for colonialism. He saw the system as contractual and exploitive to his country. He calls the independence movement â€Å"the greatest awakening ever seen on this earth†. By portraying colonialism as a heinous and abusive practice, Nkrumah led Ghana to independence. (Doc 5). A letter from the British monarchy as a response to colonial independence would give insight as to whether they see themselves as negatively as their colonies do. In South Africa, China, and Cuba, social and political revolutions pioneered by inspiring people occured. Nelson Mandela, speaking on his fight against apartheid, conveyed his commitment to the cause. Mandela dreamed of a South Africa where equality and democracy was not a scarcity. Unfortunately, his reality at the time was far different. Nelson Mandela was willing to die for the cause. His dedication inspired others to continue to fight for justice in South Africa. This infectious determination is was enabled Mandela to lead the campaign for termination of this policy. (Doc. 4). In China, Mao Zedong led his country to the communist revolution. In a speech he delivered, he vocalized a goal to build faith in the party. The method applied by Zedong focused on uniting China under one belief in order to implement communist ideas in the country, widely changing the country’s structure. (Doc 7). At his defense trial, Cuban revolution leader Fidel Castro appealed to those struggling in his country. He spoke to those who hoped for a brighter future and who have been betrayed by their country. By addressing their battle, Castro urged them to fight for a better Cuba. His relentless and undying commitment ultimately granted Castro his wish for a revolution. (Doc 8). An additional document consisting of a diary entry from a Chinese citizen during the communist revolution would create a clearer vision as to how convincing Mao Zedong truly was. Some modern leaders look more inward as to their nations’ policies and people to affect change. Hosni Mubarak, former President of Egypt, aimed to unite his country and better certain systems to strengthen the nation. When in a hard and confusing time, Mubarak provided Egypt with a steady guiding hand. In the midst of this chaos, instead of addressing the questions and wants of the people, Hosni Mubarak demanded they offer themselves to supply the needs of their country and support their leader. This mindset calmed Egyptians as Mubarak reopened Egypt to the Arab world, tried to reaffirm the constitution and judicial system, and tackled social issues. (New Leaders of Nations #1). Former prime minister of India Narasimha Rao was first questioned by the Indian people as to his ability to lead. This was turned around as he implemented many policy changes in India. India, fairly unfamiliar with outside involvement, now encouraged foreign investment. Rao’s programs for economic growth and investment, both foreign and Indian, faced opposition from possible disorder. However, Rao’s use of intellectual thinking and a new, open India, aided his decisions. A documentary depicting evolving countries as they face modern challenges would be helpful in grasping what qualities leaders who create change possess. Those who create ripples of change in their societies all have varying methods and roles. Some strive for revolution, others independance or policy reboots. It is important to keep in mind that each situation creates unique circumstances; some changes require new methods. To further understand which methods are suitable for particular situations, letters from different leaders who have created change would be helpful.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Best Buy company in 2012

Best Buy company in 2012 The company best buy was facing several issues in 2012. To improve its financial position, the company launched a strategic plan it called â€Å"renew blue†. The plan called for strengthening relationships with vendors, revamping stores, increasing same-store sales, eliminating unnecessary costs, and ramping up Best Buy’s online business. The company has been able to reduce cost by closing underperforming stores, shrinking its workforce, and making supply chain efficiencies. It aims to reduce cost further by reducing product returns, replacements, and damages, and by streamlining its logistics and supply chain, as well as its procurement process. To mitigate competition, Best Buy has arranged to open stores-within-a-store with certain key suppliers. In response to competition with Amazon, Best Buy is now highly focused on growing its online business. The company has extended its online sales distribution network with its ship-from-store concept. As part of its turnaround strategy, Best Buy is also revamping its stores and trying to encourage more robust store traffic. Best Buy is closing underperforming stores, optimizing space, and improving the ease with which customers can shop in stores. One of Best Buy’s optimization goals is to avoid out-of-stock situations online, especially during holiday season. Best Buy increased inventory availability by rolling out its ship-from-store concept. This has helped boost online sales, as previously, products were shipped only from select stores. Best buy announced that it would fight show rooming by offering low-price guarantees online as well as at its retail stores. Best Buy sp ent millions of dollars on a holiday TV campaign to combat show rooming. Thus Best Buy is aggressively implementing restructuring initiatives to take back market share. Some of these initiatives include cost-reduction measures, online business expansion, and the sale of underperforming stores.Tyco was accused of corporate fraud in 2002. Its top management was accused of misusing the company’s loan system and misrepresenting the company’s financial status. The first thing the company did in its effort to transformation is the replacement of executive position. The entire corporate management team needed to be changed. They established new systems, hired new talent, and set a new strategic direction for the company. The company followed the highest standards of business practices and ethics, which made it easier to recruit high-quality talent. Many of the former board members had had strong financial, rather than operational, backgrounds. There weren’t clear delineations between finance and operations management. as a part of the restructuring process the audit function reports directly to the board’s audit committee rather than to the CFO; utilizes a more formalized risk-based planning process; and leverages rigorous audit techniques to better monitor internal controls, the integrity of the company’s financial information, and compliance with company policies and procedures. With a mix of board members who have run large public and private organizations, and who have financial and accounting expertise, today the company have a stronger orientation toward operations and toward a philosophy of controllership and accountability.

Operations Management wk1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operations Management wk1 - Essay Example A poor operations management can always result in poor quality of the final products. Q.1 (b) Specialization in production activity is the basic strategy to be established. That is when a product like vehicles are produced every person or group must be specialized in performing certain activities. A particular group must be assigned the duty of production of Chassis, another group or individual must be specialized in electric works, etc. Similarly, after each and every activity it must be checked for perfection. That is the any component of the vehicle should be transferred to the next section only after detailed examination. Q.2 One of the major strategies that made Coca Cola to gain competitive advantage is its branding strategy. Coca Cola popularized its brand image through different advertising modes. They also opened food houses. â€Å"Some of Coca-Cola’s latest domestic marketing strategies include Coke dominating fountain sales.† (Coca Cola Marketing strategy, 2008). Excessive consumer oriented approach is what made Pepsi to be obtain competitive advantage. It even reduced prices of the product during great depression in order to make it available to the consumers. Later on it popularized the brand as a new generation drink. The strategies of both companies were good as both resulted in gaining market advantage through different methods. The three factors that have resulted in the success are better knowledge of the market, strong brand building strategy and uniqueness in the product. Similar strategy adopted by Apple and Dell would also work as consumers are always impressed by extr emely popularized and branded products. Both are retail stores that sell goods to the final consumers. Operation optimization is not possible in the case of Mom and Pop Stores. Goods are not purchased directly from the manufacturers in the case of Mom and Pop Stores. Staff motivation is very high in case of Wal-Mart but it is absolutely

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Stakeholder in the Information System Assignment - 31

Stakeholder in the Information System - Assignment Example Consulting stakeholders, when it comes to redesigning a new system, is extremely essential in a business (Lejk and Deeks 16). Stakeholders, in system analysis, are the individuals who determine the main requirements, which should be met by the whole system so as to meet the wants of the sponsors, customers, as well as the users. Also, the aim of redesigning a new system is to do away with the inappropriate technologies, which limit the productivity of the current system. Stakeholders, in system analysis, know the best technology, which will work appropriately with the new system (Lejk and Deeks 16). They can help design the proper system, which will assist them in their dealings. (iii) Consider the college-wide IT infrastructure. If you were a systems analyst in the college investigating wireless access, list a non-technical and technical user who you would consult as part of your investigation. For each user, outline three (3) issues you might want to discuss with them in an interview. Some of the issues that I could discuss with the non-technician user are how to interact with customers, who to interact with designers, as well as assisting programmers to during the design of the system. A non-technician user, to information systems, mainly deals with the nontechnical part of the system and who I could be maintained (Lejk and Deeks 27). Therefore, a nontechnical user will assist me in learning how to relate to clients and how to document their requirements, which are mainly used to create business requirements and dealings. Also, a nontechnical user will assist me in interacting with designers in order to understand the limitations of using system analysis (Lejk and Deeks 27). A technical user, in system analysis, on the other hand, would help me understand the technical part of system analysis (Lejk and Deeks 28). Some of the main issues, which I could ask the technical user, are how to plan a system flow from the beginning, how to perform a system testing and how to deploy the completed system.  Ã‚  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Operational Management in Hospitality (A REPORT) Essay

Operational Management in Hospitality (A REPORT) - Essay Example These above mentioned value-added, important activities should always be aligned with the market opportunities in order to have an optimal performance†. (Jacobs, 2001) Operations management also focuses carefully on how to manage the different processes in order to distribute and produce different services and products. Generally, small businesses or enterprises dont usually talk about this term which is known as operations management, but on the other hand, they do carry out different activities that management schools associate with. There are many small businesses that generally follow some basic rules in order to make their business stable so that they can work well. They also know that there are many other companies who work well by following operation management rules and regulations. But no doubt they do use some basic principles in order to compete with all the other companies. All the different activities usually include development, production creation, distribution and production. Other related activities include inventory control, managing all the purchases, storage, quality control, evaluations and logistics. One of a great deal of fo cus is mainly on effectiveness and efficiency of all these above mentioned processes. Therefore, operations management also includes an analysis and substantial measurement of internal process. Restructuring is termed as an important process with the help of which any company can regain its profits and can work better. Restructuring can be classified into various steps. It can be done in any phase or in any process. All the departments of the company require restructuring because it is necessary in order to gain maximum potential. â€Å"With the help of restructuring, operation management can also work well because it is only with the help of it that a company can gain maximum shares†. (Jacobs, 2001) SSP are the leader in providing advice which helps a lot in designing the whole

Friday, July 26, 2019

Intellectual Property Rights Infringement of TV Productions Essay

Intellectual Property Rights Infringement of TV Productions - Essay Example The UK law does not require copyright to be registered as trademarks, designs and patents. A copyright in UK is created automatically with the creation of the work. Therefore, it can be enforced in case of infringement without prior registration in UK. Conversely, the other member countries of the Berne Convention require that copyright should be registered to create evidence of original author of the work and the time of creation. This way it assists the courts in deciding copyright infringement cases. In UK, there is no such mandatory requirement to register for enforcement of copyrights in the courts. Likewise, the symbol  © is not required by law in UK to be used on the literary, artistic, musical, cinematographic, records and related rights either. It is understood that these works are copyrighted and protected under CDPA, 1988. On the other hand, there are countries and people in UK who still use symbol  © on their works to show that these are copyrighted works and in case of infringement can be fully enforced against the infringer. The law of copyright protection provides the exclusive protection to the author to make copies of the work, sell or license it and use it for any purpose whatsoever. It provides protection to the broadcasters and singers in the shape of exclusive rights to their broadcasted work to ensure that others do not infringe upon their rights. The law recognizes 50 years of protection to films and cinematographic works from the date of the manufacturing of the work (Copyright Service 2012). Likewise, the copyrights in the broadcast last for 50 years, starting from the end of the calendar year in which the broadcast was first made. The copyright in the work arises automatically... This essay discusses the copyright law of UK and intellectual property rights, that constitute transforming ideas into tangible products and services. The diversity in the ideas that give rise to products and services today, requires that there are different protections available for every different aspect of a product or service. Likewise, the concept of protection of these products and services was highlighted in 1886 and a treaty came into existence titled Berne Convention for the Protection of Copyrights and Artistic Works. It was realized that the intellectual property in the form of literary, musical and artistic works requires protection globally, and all countries which are members of the World Trade Organization shall become members of the Berne Convention. The UK law does not require copyright to be registered as trademarks, designs and patents. A copyright in UK is created automatically with the creation of the work. Therefore, it can be enforced in case of infringement wi thout prior registration in UK. The copyright in the work arises automatically as it is created with the work. It is not mandatory to register a copyright for a work. However, if registered, it can be easily proved in the courts of law in case any instance of infringement has occurred. According to the UK law on copyrights and related rights, the film and TV productions can be entirely covered under copyright protection. The copyright holder can either sell the rights in the film and TV production or license it to others to broadcast it.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gender and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gender and Culture - Essay Example This tendency was mostly drawn from the ancestral parents who used to be disciplinarians on their families. Through the frequent harsh and physical punishments, in the later days, the children develop to be resilient to their parents. The children normally have no right of negotiation but to follow their parents’ instructions (Shaw & Tuch, 2007).   The African Americans mostly use commands and punishments in order to instill discipline on their kids as compared to counseling and negotiations like the majority of other ethnic parents. Child beating is usually seen as the appropriate way of correcting the child in case of disobedience, than just talking. These methods originate from the ancient beliefs of instilling independence among the children, molding spiritual wellbeing, emphasis on the extended and family relationships, self racial pride and perseverance in times of hardships (Shaw & Tuch, 2007).   However, most of the defiant children come from the African American families. That can clearly be proved by relatively high numbers of them receiving social support from friends and extended families and high numbers of the homeless children. Despite the setbacks and no matter how wealthy the African American parents are, they still push their kids to achieve more. Through the tough love, the children learn to be emotionally strong even in times of hardships (Shaw & Tuch, 2007).   The extended family may live within the family and they may give discipline or care when situation arises. It is reported that the African American children are twice as much likely to be raised by an extended family, grandparent or single parent due to the frequent cases of divorce among the black families. Grandmothers are the frequent care givers for the abandoned or runaway children. The runaway children usually escape the violence or brutal treatment within the family. This can depict the dysfunctions

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Theories of Democracy - Against Human Rights Essay - 2

Theories of Democracy - Against Human Rights - Essay Example Even wars on the basis of humanitarian grounds should be avoided to prevent loss of lives and the absence of cultural relativism in some of the nations that are known to endure the set ideas and principles of different regions. According to Ã… ½iÃ… ¾ek, human rights are defined as exercising the freedom to choose any given thing without violating the freedom rights of others, even if it means defying war. Interestingly, Ã… ½iÃ… ¾ek is supportive of humanitarian interventions only so far as they are found protecting and assisting human life. Even though he is not very excited about humanitarian interference in general, he feels that such interventions should be safeguarded. Irrespective of the beliefs of the people in a particular nation, their lives must be protected and supported in terms of its concepts and standards. A true democracy will always stand out in its ability to defend its citizens. Freedom and Democracy are significant rights, mentioned by the writer, should be implemented even at home in a nation that supports such rights. It is important to note that there is nothing universal about â€Å"right.† There is more than one way to getting things done and this is evident in the varied cultural perspectives, distinct world features, unique rituals and cultural identifications. Ã… ½iÃ… ¾ek points out that it is wrong to overlook the differences unique to varied races. A lot of unrest and conflicts in the world arise when nations try to impose their way of acting on other nations and this, in turn, produces war rather than peace. Intolerance towards other people’s viewpoints is the main damaging force that corrupts nations.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cold chain In food industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Cold chain In food industry - Essay Example Indeed, keeping the goods ‘in a safe, wholesome and good quality state from the production to the consumption stage’ (Aung, Chang and Kim 2012: 435) can be considered as the cold chain’s mission. Through a similar approach, food cold chain has been described as ‘a special kind logistics applied in food’ (Lan and Tian 2013: 347). When referring to cold chain emphasis should be given to the following fact: the quality of the cold chain’s products is difficult to be secured. In the food cold chain sector a similar issue appears. For this reason, a series of methodologies and standards have been introduced for ensuring quality in all phases of food cold chain. However, the full alignment of food cold chain with the relevant rules is not always easy, especially due to the cost involved. The various characteristics of food cold chain are analytically presented below. Reference is also made to the standards applied in the specific sector. A series of case studies has been employed in order to show the challenges that food cold chain has to face worldwide. It is proved that the sector’s advances are continuous but the lack of effective control mechanisms often reduce the quality of food cold chain’s products especially in countries with limited potentials to support food cold chain. Chapter 2 – Need for the cold chain in the food industry Cold chain, as a series of processes, has been established in order to respond to specific needs of the food industry. Reference is made in particular to fresh food products (such as vegetables, meal, fish and so on) that have to be transported to areas quite far from the area of production (Handley 2010). For such production, there can be 4 levels of transport, as described in Appendix 1 (Handley 2010). As it is made clear through the graph in Appendix 1 cold chain has a key role in the transport of fresh goods, a role that it is clearer at Transport levels 1 & 2 (Appendix 1), i.e. from factory/ production area to the wholesale (Handley 2010). At level 3 of the transport process, i.e. from the wholesale to the outlet, the value of cold chain is also critical, ensuring the high quality of fresh products that reach the market (Appendix 1). In practice, all parts of the transport process have to be developed in order for a food product to reach its destination, i.e. the end consumer; this means that cold chain, as part of the transport process, cannot be omitted since such initiative would destroy the rest of the parts of the transport process. This means that without the intervention of the cold chain fresh food products could not be available for consumers. In the study of Aung, Chang and Kim (2012) emphasis is given to the importance of the cold chain for the preservation of perishable foods; it is explained that without cold chain these foods could not reach consumers (Aung, Chang and Kim 2012). In other words, due to cold chain perishable foods can keep their qualities, as these qualities are described in table presented in Appendix 2. According to the specific table the qualities of perishable foo

Hound of the baskervilles Essay Example for Free

Hound of the baskervilles Essay Conan Doyle writes the text I am studying and the novel is The Hound of the Baskervilles it is a story where a phantom hound is supposedly killing off members of the Baskerville bloodline. So Sir Henry calls upon Sherlock Holmes to investigate along with Watson and hopefully lay the myth to rest forever. In this essay I will describe the characters and look at how Conan Doyle creates suspense + a feeling of mystery in the text and how he describes the environment by using different language. In particular I will be looking at the language used in the sentences, as this is an important part as to how Conan Doyle creates suspense. Watson tells the story in the first person we know this because the story is told by him and his diary also this has already happened making this in the past tense, the events happen in chronological order. Watson describes everything very slowly and in detail up until they chase after the hound, then everything happens very quickly after this. Conan Doyle uses clever wording in his sentences for example: a key turned in the lock and as he passed in there was a curious scuffling from within this creates tension because it makes you fearful of what is in the shadows of the room. This makes you want to read on to find out what happens and what creature lurks inside the abyss. Conan Doyle makes you panic when he introduces the sea of fog gliding across the Grimpen Mire. This causes tension because if sir Henry does not get to them the hound will get him then when the hound leaps out of the fog with burning blue teeth it makes you jump up in your seat. This dissipates the tension and everything turns into adrenaline to kill the hound. You know something scary is going to happen when they cock there pistols ready to shoot what ever comes at them earthly or demonic. Hist cried Holmes and I heard the sharp click of a cocking pistol this shows that they are ready for anything and this builds tension because your eagerly anticipating whatever is going to come out of the fog. Conan Doyle creates tension by making sure that Holmes does not tell lestrade and Watson anything this makes them very annoyed but because of this it creates a lot of suspense and tension in the reader because you do not know what is going on. The Grimpen Mire is described as a dangerous creature crawling across the mire and towards the house and this creates a threatening atmosphere because unless sir Henry gets to them in time then Holmes plans could be thrown into disarray and the hound could kill sir Henry so this creates a tense atmosphere. The Grimpen Mire is described as a huge morass of foul slime filled with bones. Protected by the foul smell of the swamp, which gives off a very sinister smell, which gives it a sinister feel and how cruel Stapleton was. Stapleton had obviously gone slightly mad in his desperate attempts to kill members of the Baskerville bloodline. In conclusion Conan Doyle creates tension by keeping his cards close to his chest up until the very last few moments and this is how he develops tension. Also by describing the scenes and introducing the sinister fog it makes the scene scarier. The tensest bit is when you are waiting for the hound after sir Henry has passed and there are a few heart pounding seconds waiting for the creature. I think that Conan Doyles choice of language and the way he sets out the environment is how he creates tension and that this is why it is so tense in chapter 14 of the Hound of the Baskervilles.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sex Education in Public Schools Essay Example for Free

Sex Education in Public Schools Essay Sex education should be taught in public middle schools because: it decreases the chance of sexual diseases and teenage pregnancies, it is needed in case of a parents’ absence or neglect, and it also provides more knowledge about how sex works while debunking the myths surrounding sexual intercourse, and it makes some want to set goals for relationships. People say sex education encourages youth to engage in sexual activities rather than preventing sex. This is true; however, studies show that when youth are taught about sexual education, they are more likely to make better decisions. Sexual education should be taught in middle school because it is around this time that youth become sexually aware. Teaching them in middle school will better prepare them for the peer pressures and temptations that they will encounter in high school. I mean, how do we say that it is OK for schools to teach our children about math, science, history, and numerous other subjects, yet get high and mighty with righteous indignation when biology is taken a step further to focus on sex? Most students reach puberty around middle school ages, it is important to give them a solid base for them to make smart decisions before they become sexually active. Preparing them to make better decisions will lower STD and teen pregnancy rates. Whether its safe sex practices or even abstinence, all of these issues must be dealt with in an educational setting, because when we look at teen pregnancy rates, sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, it only makes sense to have as much education as possible. This allows them to make more informed choices about engaging in sexual intercourse. The youth do not always consider the consequences of having sex, but with well educated instructors informing them, they can learn the dangers that come with having sex. If someone has no prior information about STD’s and they engage in sexual intercourse, they not only put themselves at risk but their partner is also at risk. The education provided by this program will help students be more aware of life threatening and life changing risks. Some say that the education of sex invokes students to engage in sex. However, stats say otherwise. Research shows that in a survey conducted, only about seventeen percent of the respondents answered that sex education encourages them to do â€Å"it† and the remaining eighty-three percent strongly disagreed. Sex education isn’t encouraging students to have intercourse, but rather it is teaching them how to stay safe. Should kids their age be having sex? No. However, kids are kids. They will do as they please. By teaching them safely to â€Å"do it† they will at least avoid any unnecessary risks involved in making such a grown-up and mature decision. Because many view sex as a taboo outside of marriage, they do not wish for it to be taught at all, especially to youth. However as I have stated before sex education does not encourage people to have sex but make better decisions when the time does come. Regardless of personal beliefs it is important that they understand the risks and benefits of sex. If the parents believe that the child should abstain from sex then this gives them a chance to talk about it with their child and why they believe so. Another important point to consider is the youth who do not have a particular adult to confide and ask about these feelings and urges they are experiencing. Parents do not talk about this subject to their children because either they are too busy with their daily life, don’t know how to talk about it, or they may feel uncomfortable. Therefore, sex education should be taught to them so that they would learn it from an educated and responsible adult instead of learning it from the media or their friends. Students aren’t getting the information that they need from the right places. Talking to friends or learning from social media is not the best way to learn about important topics such as sex. Many students don’t know how to prevent catching an STD because the information is not available in school. There will always be peers who will badly influence others. That is why sex education should be implemented in schools so the youth have a reliable non-biased adult to guide them into their own adulthood and are not just basing it off misconceptions. Myths and misconceptions play a big role in why youth engage in sex without considering the effects it can have. Many believe sex is an all access enjoyment activity because of the influence from outside sources like music, movies, and television. However, I state again, that with proper knowledge from both the pros and cons of engaging in sexual activity better choices can be made that will potentially save lives of many young people today and saving them the embarrassment of contracting an STD. When talking about sex, students are often embarrassed to open up about how they feel about it or what they know about it. Some adults say sex is a personal topic and should only be discussed with close family or close friends, therefore eliminates a class for sex education. Kids nowadays feel that to be a virgin is â€Å"not cool. † If you haven’t had sex by the time you are a sophomore, and if people find out about it, you lose popularity. However, what we need to emphasize is that being safe is more important than being popular. Some say that we should not teach sex education, but we should teach abstinence. Abstinence is such an unreasonable thing to teach kids. It’s just not going to happen. Too many people live in denial about their children having sex. People are crazy if they want to encourage parents to opt out of sex education and making it more about abstinence and nothing else. Why can’t both take place? Abstinence is definitely the safest of all safe sex measures, but there is also a point where we have to accept reality. If you were to talk to teachers and administrators, they will tell you that students as young as middle school are engaging in oral sex. Most say that oral sex isn’t really sex. However, anyone with half a brain knows that to be the case. In conclusion, if sex education was taught in public middle schools, these situations could be prevented. The teen pregnancy rates would be lowered along with the STD rates. Students would be provided with the information they need to prevent getting an STD or getting pregnant at such a young age. They would also learn about many different places they can turn to for information or help with any situation they got themselves into. If sex education was being taught, they could open up to their parents about it and receive information from someone they know and are comfortable talking to. I think the school board should put sex education into public middle schools so the students have the information available to them and to prevent higher pregnancy and STD rates.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Is Language Innate or Learned?

Is Language Innate or Learned? How do we learn language? Is it an innate ability or do we have to learn language? Can we find an absolute definition for language? These questions has been asked and investigated by many psychologists, but to date I have not been able to find any concrete evidence put forward to support any of the findings. Using the language acquisition theories of Chomsky and Skinner, as a base, I was able to compare of their findings by applying the theories to actual situations to determine the practicality of the results. As a result of making these comparisons, I was able to determine that each theory on its own had limitations, but I believe that if we took aspects of each and made one compilation, it is possible that we could eventually determine whether language is in fact an innate ability or whether it is developed through learning. Language is an innate ability and is not developed through learning To say that language is an innate ability and is not developed through learning, we need to look at the theorist arguments on language acquisition. One theorist argued that language is an innate ability, (Chomsky,1959), another argued that it is acquired by reinforcement and repetition (Skinner, 1957), another argued that it was part of the overall development (Piaget, 1969) and yet another argued that it is learned through interaction (Bruner, 1975). Although each theorist produced differing views on language acquisition, the debate still remains as to whether language is an innate ability or it is learned. I will be focusing on Skinners (1957) Behaviourist Theory and Chomksys (1959) Innate Theory as the base on this paper. Let us first look at the definition of language. Language, as defined by the Websters online dictionary states that it is a systematic means of communicating, by the use of sounds or convectional symbols. The idea is that language is facilitated and understood by the use of structured elements. These elements are not limited to auditory but also encompass the use of convectional symbols. What therefore are convectional symbols? Throughout the evolutionary process, countries have developed their own method of documentation using unique letters or numerals. They have also created signs which have no alphanumeric symbols but effectively communicate necessary information, for example, a single arrow pointing to the left could mean, left turn only or keep left. Similarly the outline of a man or woman on the doors of washrooms communicate the gender allowed to use the washroom. The symbol may have a definitive meaning, but the interpretation of the symbol will determine the appropriate act ion. Another definition found in the Oxford online dictionary, we see where language is defined as the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and convectional way. It is interesting to note the disparity in the two definitions. Whilst the Websters definition appears generic to any specie, the Oxford definition seems to be specific to communication in humans. Does the Oxford dictionary imply that communication is unique to humans? Based on the research done by the theorists we recongnise that humans talk and all other living species have their own unique method of communicating with each other. It is therefore not appropriate to disregard non-human communication abilities. Looking at the human interaction and how we are able to understand each other, especially as it relates language development in newborn babies, has encouraged many theories. De Villiers J. G. P. A. (1978), in their book, Language Acquisition, the question is asked, What does a child bring into the world with him by way of inherited knowledge or behaviour, and what is the product of the experience? (p.2). It is clear that both genetics and experience play an important part in language development, but the underlying question remains debatable. The arguments continue with Osherson, D. N., Gleitman L. R., Liberman M, (1995) in their book, An Invitation to Cognitive Science: Language, they state that some parts of the capacity to learn language must be innate. At the same time, it is equally clear that language is learned (Gleitman and Newport, chapter 1,p.1) The hierarchy of language, however complex, is influenced by the environment and experiences. In babies we recognise that there is no experience, therefore the development can only be linked or associated with their environment. The direct links that babies have in their early stages are only with their parents or other close family members who interact with them on a daily basis. Babies do not have the capacity to make audible sounds which constitute sentences; however they do have to capacity to make other sounds which can be interpreted as immediate needs or wants. As the child develops, the verbal interaction increases and depending on the appropriateness or the effectiveness of the interaction, the development progress will be determined. This means that how the parent speaks to the child or how often word or sentences are used will determine how quickly the childs language is developed. The comparisons between nature versus nurture have been debated for a long time. The story has been written about the Egyptian King Psammethichus, who in an attempt to determine which race was more ancient, the Egyptian or the Phrygians, took two newborn babies and placed them in isolation. They were kept by themselves in a lonely cottage and no-one was allowed to utter words around them. After two years in isolation the caregiver of the children heard them say the word becos and he eventually reported this to the King. King Psametichus researched the word and found out that the origin of the language was Phrygian for bread. The discovery made the Egyptians yield their position of antiquity and conceded that the Phrygians were more ancient than they were. (Herodotus, De SÃ ©lincourt A., Marincola J. 2003), The Histories). The fact that these children had no verbal interaction at all makes you want to believe that babies are born with some innate ability for language development. Although this story is very old, we can also look at more recent language developments in children who are kept in isolated conditions. Feral children, commonly known as wild children, are children who have been brought up in total isolation. They may have some human contact but they are denied any kind of social interaction with other people. These children have been known to develop their own language as in the case of Genie, who was kept in isolation until she was 13 years old. This is a recent example of language development without guidance. She was not taught to speak and was denied any human interaction whilst in isolation and when she was found and tested (Curtis, 1977), it was discovered that Genie would never be able to master the rules of grammar. Although she had good semantic ability, she could not learn syntax and therefore was not able to form complete sentences. Going back to the theorist arguments, did Genies lack of communicative ability give credence to Skinners (1957) proposal that language can be acquired through a series of habit forming tasks? The experiments he performed were conducted on rats and birds, which were taught to perform various tasks successfully. This theory, known as the Behaviourist Theory, proposes that through repetition and subsequent rewards children learn how to communicate. In his 1957 book, Verbal Behaviour, Skinner argued that language was like any other form of behaviour which is acquired through conditioning. Rewards were given once the appropriate behaviour was achieved. However looking again at feral children, even with repetition and rewards they still were not able to master the rules of grammar. The common diagnosis was that these children had passed the critical period hypothesis, which is the stage before puberty before the brain becomes specialized in it functions. Language functions are assigned to the left brain, however before puberty the language function moves from one side to the next and after puberty this function is assigned to the left brain. Chomsky (1959) published a criticism of this theory. Chomsky believed that a childs brain contained special language learning abilities at birth which enabled them to communicate from birth the Innate Theory. He argued that a child was naturally predisposed to learn a language. This was possible by hearing speech which is interpreted by the brain using its natural ability to apply structures and principles. Chomskys view is that a child is held to be born with the entire set of linguistic universals plus evaluation procedures, built in, and that he somehow uses this set as a grid through which he filters the particular language he happens to hear around him (1968a, p.76). After reading the review it was interesting to note that Chomsky critised Skinner because he used only animals as the test subjects, and as a result the theory was silent on specie restrictions. Ironically, Chomskys innate theory was based on no test subject (human or animal). If we are to accept the innateness of language acquisition then we would have to somehow get into the mind of the child from birth to determine how the brain interpreted the speech it heard. Using the feral children Kamala and Amala, the two Indian girls that were said to be raised by wolves can we apply the innate theory? The missionary who found and adopted them (Singh) tried to rehabilitate them back to their human form. Unfortunately Amala died shortly after being found. Progress was slow and after three years, Kamala had only mastered about a dozen words. The question then is; where does the innate ability surface? Based on the innate theory, these children should have had some ability to understand human language, despite the fact that they were socialized by wolves in the early stages of development. It was several years later that Kamalas vocabulary increased to forty words. Gesell (1940) in his book, Wolf Child and Human Child, stated that Kamalas situation demonstrated just how mentally naked humans are when born and how much we rely on society to shape us. Conclusion After looking at the two theories I am still left to determine which one has more credence than the other. I am almost tempted to conduct my own research, similar to King Psammethichus, the only risk with doing that would be the impending prison time I may have to serve for offences committed against a minor. I am however able to give my opinion on the theories. I do not agree that language acquisition is solely dependent on an innate ability; there must be some learning which takes place during the early developmental stages. Humans may be born with a pre-disposition for language, however there has to be some social interaction that defines the language, grammar and speech. We teach our children language by using a variety of methods, such as visual aids and verbal reinforcements. If we only show them the visual aids, without explaining what they are seeing, they will ultimately create their own description and possibly create their own language. The feral children did not necessarily create their own language, instead they adapted to their environment. In the case of Genie, she had limited human interaction; therefore it is possible that her language development was only based on the few words spoken to her during her isolation. The meals she was served may have just been shoved at her with harsh accompanying words of eat this or here. Applying Skinners theory, the reinforcement may have been the harsh words heard regularly but not enough to develop the syntax needed to form sentences. Here Chomskys theory may have been more appropriate, in that there was some amount of innate understanding of human communication; Genie responded to human speech althou gh she was not taught. In the case of Kamala, who was raised by wolves, the innate theory is not possible. She had to be taught everything as she did not understand anything her adoptive parent said. Skinners theory here is more believable. It was through constant repetition and reinforcement that she was able to develop some kind of vocabulary database to eventually communicate. What is interesting is the length of time it took for her to grasp a dozen words. In a normal three year old child, you will find that they are most communicative and speaking constantly at this age. In conclusion, I believe that the two theories go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other. We may be born with some amount of innate ability, but it is through repetition and reinforcement that we are able to communicate effectively. The necessary grammar and syntax ability requires practice and this can only be achieved with being taught. It is my opinion that both Skinner and Chomsky were on the right path but they needed to work together to get the language acquisition theory more credence.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay example --

The goal of this experiment is to figure out the order of reaction for hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide, and to determine the energy of activation. To do this experiment each solution is changed to different concentrations for each trial of the experiment; changing the concentration of KI and H2O2, will give the order of reaction. After finishing the experiment it found that the order of reaction was, rate= k[H2O2]2[KI]1, and the average rate constant k, was 4.8Â ·10-5. From the first and final experiment with a change in temperature, it was found that the energy of activation was .0002228152. The final results were that potassium iodide was a catalyst for the reaction and that its parts were close to the same after the reaction was over. Introduction H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing agent that is used in many places like in sewage plants to destroy bacteria, and also in peoples homes and daily life as a disinfectant. Hydrogen Peroxide is stable, but it will slowly decompose over a long period of time. When put on an open cut, hydrogen peroxide has a very fast decomposition and O2 is developed. Again the same thing happens when the catalyst KI is used with H2O2. Because O2 is released as a product in the decomposition, a pressure verses time graph can be used to see the change in pressure. The pressure will change linearly to time first, but then after the initial short lag phase of stable pressure is over the pressure will begin to increase with time. In this experiment it’s crucial to record the rate of reactions because the kinetic order of reaction can be determined based off the differing concentration rates. The rates from the experiments will be measured in kPa/s and have to be converted to M/s by calcu... + I-(aq) → IO-(aq) + H2O(aq). The result of this reaction is water and gas pressure because of the decomposition of the H2O2 by KI. The rate law is Rate=k[H2O2]2[KI]1 Conclusion This experiment has taught me how a catalyst actually works. I didn’t know that there were steps in between a catalyst in the reaction that were all used, and then replaced so the reaction is the same when its used and when it started the reaction again. I now have a far better understanding of how a catalyst speeds up a reaction by decreasing the reaction caused by the activation energy. I learned that a specific catalysts might work better at certain temperatures, and they can be measured by the different temperatures for the first reactions and the final reaction. I also learned that by measuring the rate constant at different temperatures, I can find the activation energy.

Reality versus Illusion in Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Essay

Reality versus Illusion in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In his play, The American Dream, Edward Albee unveils a tortured family that is symbolic of the reality beneath the illusion of the American dream.   In Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Albee takes a more traditional approach than the theater of the absurd, and his language is more natural, but he returns to this theme with a vengeance.   For in all of drama there are few plays about domestic relationships that are as caustic, violent and as poisoned with the milk of human bitterness, cynicism and pessimism as is Woolf.   The story regards George and Martha, a married couple (he a history professor and she the University President's daughter).   Verbally and emotionally George and Martha are as skilled at cutting each other without going for the final kill as much as a professional torturer trained to prolong his victim's agony.   Into this volley of abuse come Nick and Honey, a young couple who also share a vision of the "American dream," but Albee portrays Nick as the victor in his battles with George because George is of the old school and Nick has already been indoctrinated into the new American culture of capitalism for its own sake.      The theme of the play, other than touching on the disillusionment of the American dream for the younger generation, and a robotic-like acceptance of the evolved "capitalized" version by the older generation, is that each of the characters in the play, like each of us in real life, are destined to struggle through our own personal hell, a struggle that we face alone "It becomes clear that each character is engaged in an isolated struggle through a personal hell" (Murphy 1113).   The plot centers around George and Martha's p... ...e his themes in the play.   Truth versus illusion, reality versus perception, and union versus inability to come together are the main themes the author chooses to highlight throughout the work.   In the end, once all illusions have been stripped or peeled away, Martha and George have a chance to come together in an effort to save their marriage.   As Martha says to end the play in response to George's singing "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf"; "" (Albee 242).   Only from this point of truth can George and Martha hope to save their troubled marriage.    WORKS   CITED Albee, E.   Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?.   New York:   Signet, 1962. Carter, S.   Albee's 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"   The Explicator.   Vol. 56.   June 22, 1998, 215-218. Murphy, B, ed.   Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia.   New York:   HarperCollins Publishers, 1996.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Plot Analysis Of Conspiracy Th :: essays research papers

The Conspiracy Theory is a movie that can wake you up to a very likely and harsh reality. Main character Jerry, author and sole producer of a monthly tabloid about theories on conspiracies soon begins to remember a hidden and forgotten past. The most captivating part of Conspiracy Theory is how the character’s past and present interact to contribute to the plot, and their futures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The tragic pasts of the 3 main characters help define the plot. Jerry was once a test subject for governmental experiments. Jodas, head of these experiments, tried to learn how to turn an everyday person into a brutal killer. Jerry soon became Jodas’ personal tool of destruction, and Jerry was told to kill a judge who was sure to put Jodas in jail. Jerry was given a chance to kill him, but his human conscience proved to still live on, the judge soon took Jerry under his wing. That judge was later killed by another one of Jodas’ men. With the judge’s final words, he begged Jerry to protect his one and only daughter, Alice. Our three main characters are now destine for a major confrontation years later.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main plot is laid out by the events of the present. Several years later, Jerry drives his cab as he’s done every day since the shooting, until he zones out and has a flashback of his past. One soon finds out that Jerry is very paranoid about the government and he questions everything about it. Jodas catches up to Jerry and tries to imprison him. Alice then finds that Jodas is one of Jerry’s newsletter subscribers and has a meeting with him. Jodas then convinces Alice that Jerry killed her father; now Jerry is about to be set up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plot is concluded with a promise to the character’s futures. Jerry then asks Alice to meet him, and they return to the place where her father died. Jerry then confesses to Alice that he did not kill her father. After much deliberation, Alice believes Jerry; and just on time for Jodas’ return. Jodas captures Jerry and Alice barely gets away with the mere stroke of luck. Jerry is then imprisoned and injected with fluid that will convince his mind that he did everything. Plot Analysis Of Conspiracy Th :: essays research papers The Conspiracy Theory is a movie that can wake you up to a very likely and harsh reality. Main character Jerry, author and sole producer of a monthly tabloid about theories on conspiracies soon begins to remember a hidden and forgotten past. The most captivating part of Conspiracy Theory is how the character’s past and present interact to contribute to the plot, and their futures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The tragic pasts of the 3 main characters help define the plot. Jerry was once a test subject for governmental experiments. Jodas, head of these experiments, tried to learn how to turn an everyday person into a brutal killer. Jerry soon became Jodas’ personal tool of destruction, and Jerry was told to kill a judge who was sure to put Jodas in jail. Jerry was given a chance to kill him, but his human conscience proved to still live on, the judge soon took Jerry under his wing. That judge was later killed by another one of Jodas’ men. With the judge’s final words, he begged Jerry to protect his one and only daughter, Alice. Our three main characters are now destine for a major confrontation years later.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main plot is laid out by the events of the present. Several years later, Jerry drives his cab as he’s done every day since the shooting, until he zones out and has a flashback of his past. One soon finds out that Jerry is very paranoid about the government and he questions everything about it. Jodas catches up to Jerry and tries to imprison him. Alice then finds that Jodas is one of Jerry’s newsletter subscribers and has a meeting with him. Jodas then convinces Alice that Jerry killed her father; now Jerry is about to be set up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plot is concluded with a promise to the character’s futures. Jerry then asks Alice to meet him, and they return to the place where her father died. Jerry then confesses to Alice that he did not kill her father. After much deliberation, Alice believes Jerry; and just on time for Jodas’ return. Jodas captures Jerry and Alice barely gets away with the mere stroke of luck. Jerry is then imprisoned and injected with fluid that will convince his mind that he did everything.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Irony and Foreshadowing in Poe’s Short Stories Essay

In Poe’s short stories, he uses literary devices like irony and foreshadowing to increase reader interest in his stories. Irony and Foreshadowing helps to create suspense, anxiety, and humor in his works. They also help to capture the audience’s attention and draw them into the story. Poe’s irony and foreshadowing are integrated in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† and â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†. â€Å"The Cask of the Amontillado† is one of the best examples of irony and foreshadowing in Poe’s works. In this story, almost every detail seems to stand for something else. These ironic details foreshadow Fortunado’s horrible death. Poe’s uses irony and foreshadowing to develop suspense and mood throughout this story. The first example of irony in this story lies in the character’s name. The name Forunato is ironic because it sounds like the word fortunate. Also Fortunato translates to â€Å"fortunate one† in Italian and suggests good luck. As we know from the beginning of the story, Fortunato is not so fortunate and his future lies in the hands of Montresor. Other ironies abound in the setting of the â€Å"Cask of the Amontillado. † This story takes place in Italy during Carnival, which is a joyous and happy time full of family, friends, and food. Carnival is the last place one would think of committing a murder. This ironic setting is one of the reasons Montresor is so successful and is why Fortunato is so surprised. A more visual and humorous irony lies in Fortunato’s apparel. â€Å"The man wore motley. He had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells† (Poe â€Å"Cask†). His festive outfit contrasts with the impending doom that awaits him. Also, it is ironic that Fortunato believes that he is intelligent on the subject of wines, but he is dressed as a fool. In addition to irony, forshadowing is evident in the opening paragraph of the â€Å"Cask of the Amontillado†. Montresor’s first words to the reader are: The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that gave utterance to a threat. At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitely, settled –but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved precluded the idea of risk. I must not only punish but punish with impunity (Poe â€Å"Cask†). Clearly, Montresor has serious intentions for Fortunato, and these comments foreshadow Montresor’s vengeance on Forunato at the end of the story. Montresor says he must not only punish but punish with impunity. This foreshadows how an insult drove Montresor to take justice into his own hands and implies that Forunato’s punishment was deserved. Later in the story we see how this justice is really just an excuse for murder. Another instance of foreshadowing is when Montresor and Fortunato are in the vaults, looking for the cask of Amontillado. Fortunato begins to cough and says, â€Å"Enough, the cough’s a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough† (Poe â€Å"Cask†). This foreshadows his death because Fortunato was right in that he would not die of a cough but that he would die of something much more sinister. The clueless Fortunato also mentions that he has forgotten what Montresor’s family coat of arms looks like. Montresor describes his coat of arms as â€Å"A huge human foot d’or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel† (Poe â€Å"Cask†). This symbolically foreshadows Fortunato’s death because Montresor represents the human foot crushing the serpent, which represents Fortunato. This coat of arms shows that Montresor was not the first in his family to take justice into his own hands, a hint that Fortunato does not pick up on. â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† also makes good use of irony and foreshadowing. It is one of Poe’s most well-known short stories and is considered one of his best. This story shows us how important irony and foreshadowing are to a gothic tale by providing suspense and humor to Poe’s stories. One instance of irony in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is in one of Usher’s many paintings. In this painting, Usher paints a vault for the burial of a body. This is ironic because it portrays the tomb in which Madeline will be buried. It also shows how Lady Madeline would be buried alive. This painting signifies Usher’s dark thoughts and leads us to believe that he planned to bury Lady Madeline alive. Another example of irony is when the narrator reads Usher the story the â€Å"Mad Trist†. The narrator reads this story in order to calm both his and Usher’s nerves. This is ironic because the â€Å"Mad Trist† is a parody about a medieval romance. Poe introduces this story at the greatest moment of tension in the story; the Narrator cannot sleep, a storm rages outside, and Usher is on the brink of hysteria. The narrator could not have picked a worse time to read this book. (Poe â€Å"Usher’). Probably the most ironic part of the story was the change that Lady Madeline experiences before she is buried and after she is buried. When the narrator first sees Madeline, before she is buried, she is lifeless and can barely move or talk. After she comes back from being buried alive however, she has much more of an impact on the people and things around her. When she comes back from the dead, she has enough strength to tackle and kill Usher. This shows us that Lady Madeline has grown since her death. â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is known for its Gothic elements. In this story Poe describes the house as bleak, gloomy, and close to crumbling down. When the narrator first sees the house at the beginning of the story he says, â€Å"I know not how it was — but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit† (Poe 139). The gloom and bleakness of the house foreshadows the doom and horrors that will occur inside the house later on in the story. Poe lets us know from the beginning of the story that something execrable will happen inside that house. Poe’s description of the Lady Madeline as having â€Å"affections of a partially cataleptical character† (155) predicts her early death. The word cataleptical means to be in a state in which consciousness and feeling are lost and the body assumes a death-like rigidity. Lady Madeline’s description foreshadows her death because she is described as lifeless and lost. She seems as if she was already dead. The most obvious example of foreshadowing in this story lies in the title. â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† foreshadows what will happen to not only the physical House of Usher, but also the symbolic House of Usher. Symbolically, the House of Usher represents the bloodline of Ushers. When the house crumbles to the ground at the end of the story, it represents the end of the Usher bloodline. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† and â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† give a multitude of examples of both irony and foreshadowing. Poe uses these literary devices to develop suspense and mood in these stories. Without these literary devices, his stories would seem flat and boring. Poe’s literary devices are what captured and maintained my interests thought his stories.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Greek Cultural Influences

The culture of ancient Greece reflects the greatness of the individual in society in worldy different ways. The Hellenics used fraud, philosophy, and plane their system of presidency to convey their beliefs in the importance of one single man in a society. Greek maneuverists lay outed apprize for the individual. All throng were portrayed in Greek art, from the sagging old woman to the ideal athlete. Although early Greek art focused on the valet ideal, their subsequent art shows that the Greeks comprehended only forms, and prove the benignant body in general to be a beautiful thing. counterbalance the graven images in Greek art showed how exceedingly the Greeks c ar ford mercifulity. The gods were depicted as human beings, and were do to human scale no large overpowering deity was ever portrayed in their art. The Greeks apprehended themselves in their art as much as they deemd the gods. Even on the most famous temple of all time, the Par indeedon, realit y were portrayed. The frieze that decorated the upper face of the Parthenon depicted the human procession in honour of the god Athena. It was not just sculptures and architecture that showed Greek pride in the individual.Greek sport showed a huge gustation for humans in all their glory. The Greeks cherished human emotions their plays covered a wide array of subjects, all the way from the tragedies of war to the comedic side of meat of a society in the perils of war. These subjects piddle away it viable to reveal the Greek appreciation for real life situations, showing the value they placed on human actions, scarcely most of all on human nature. Like the various forms of Greek art, the government of ancient Greece apprehended the individual by creating an milieu in which individuals were free to elicit themselves.Tyrants like Pisistratus and Cleisthenes came to power to try and make the polis a better place for the individual. These tyrants ameliorate the state in many w ays they helped make it possible for the rich and miserable people to have equal rights, and they created the conditions for the construction of the glorious monumental buildings ancient Greece is remembered for today. Although not all tyrants were good, they all had one thing in common they were all citizens of Greece, and govern to better the lifestyle of the citizens of Greece.After the end of tyranny, Greece had a democracy a government ruled by the people for the people. This democracy was make up of a number of committees who did everything from working the laws all the way to handling soldiery affairs. Any man could become a member of these committees if they were at least xviii years of age. Individuals were elected by the people for exactly one year. This system as well as made it so that even the poor citizens were not powerless, and it enabled Greek legislation to be governed by newfangled people with new ideas every term.Clearly, the Greeks took advantage of the a bilities of its citizens. Along with creating a fair society for its citizens to live in, the Greeks withal promoted the forward thinking and ideas of its people. The philosophies of such Greeks as Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates helped shape Greek society in many ways. Plato valued the ability of all people, and believed that the ideal polis would be one in which every citizen would do his part harmonize to his or her abilities, and there would be no distinguishing marks between the rich and the poor.Socrates to a fault valued people in that he believed human beings and their environment are the indispensable subject of philosophical inquiry, meaning that humans and their actions were extremely complex and hard to understand, so they were worth studying. He also believed that the moral sense of an individual provided better morals then even the laws of the government he valued other peoples thoughts and what they had to say. The last of the three major(ip) Greek philosophers, Aris totle, believed that god had no purpose, and accordingly people were to depend upon themselves.All of these philosophers are similar in that they all appreciated the thoughts and ideas of every individual, and their own ideas helped make it possible for all people of ancient Greece to appreciate what they had to say. The various characteristics of Greek society show pride in the individual in a number of different ways. The Greeks created an environment in which human actions, emotions, and imaginations were appreciated and encouraged. valet were the subjects of statues, dramatic performances, and even philosophical debate. The Greeks were appreciated by themselves as well as the polis.

Editing and Montage as a Design Tool in Architecture

In this universe we experience heal with that imagine the past nowa solar days and the hereinafter. similarly topographic point and juncture, mind and infinite ar non outdoors of distributively other they twain(prenominal) fuse into apiece other to organize a remarkable experience, more thanover painting c bes us see all of this more clearly than anything else, as it abide in no clip view ass us spikelet in the yesteryear, similarly in to the hereafter and it besides portions the experiences of present cardinal hours present-day(a) universe. celluloid besides allows a track into another universe both microchip ripe transporting its audiences into infinites and environment that makes us experience more factual than anything we experience in our quotidian sprightliness. the audiences allows themselves to be negligent by the yarn it offers and they temporarily becomes the portion of that memorial. both computer computer architecture and dissipate offer a sh arp connexion of physiological and experiential factors. both invention signifiers defines human interaction by pith of different facets of lifetime and gives different position for better apprehension of our universe. besides like the architecture is more than plainly thrill white walls and columns, in like manner film has a flock to offer than showing emended as certain(a)s on a clean white screen. Architecture exists, like celluloid, in the dimension of clip and movement. One conceives and reads a building in footings of sequences. To raise a edifice is to acclaim and seek effects of contrast and linkage by which unity passes Jhon novelFilm and architecture are two distinguishable professions, but as we research the both Fieldss both artistry signifiers support tending(p) a batch to each other and their cooperation day of the months back, of all time since the scratch line moving image was introduced in the late eighteenth ampere-second, in which imag es of mundane metropolis life were shown to the audience. the cooperation of the two professions has increment unitedly of all time since as both professions portions a immense common land the coaction has growing questionably until now non merely in the break off of the advancement of different thoughts, ideas and flocks belonging to different decennaries of this century in any case the usage re creation techniques of film has helped to bring up the inclinationers imaginativeness.all through and through their transcendency moving picture and architecture strengthen their connexion by larning different rational, metonymical and practical devices from one and other in collection to beef up their ain system of apprehension.Although film and architecture are distant humanistic disciplines, projectile and inactive some(prenominal)ly their complex relationship gives life to each other. Sharing a common count on for the parallel cognitive processs involved in bring forthing their plants, the Godheads stooge these two looks have an apprehension that one leave ever realise the other ( 1 ) in that location are many parallel execution in the forge and imageing of the celluloid which is sincerely very much related with the protrudeing and government agency summons of architecture, both professions requires the survey of both in order to reconcile the benefit. there are motion-picture shows which can non be a success without an designer change severaliseing at the mount planing actual life dress outs. which are meant to look consummate(a) in every facet ( doing everything about the movie humankind based ) ( 2 )peculiarly merely as the film depicts life over a large white level surface, likewise the presentation of architecture both in the design single-valued function and the certification uses the same procedure. each profession has looked into each other in order to derive advantage, both signifiers use similar techniques in their s pecific design procedure merely as architecture can non be done without paper, theoretical accounts, pulling likewise movie requires all these techniques for its devising in the design procedure.Prof.Francis Penz speaks of this confederationArchitects can surely larn from the filmmakers ability to stand for and travel through infinites. They can besides larn from the trade and esthetic of studio-made characteristics where film makers have brought a peculiar vision to bear upon the commits and the architecture in which the histrions move. Architectsmay profit to understand that their 3-dimensional representations are a natural set for the geographic expedition of infinites in motion, which may incite to look at ones ca-ca in a less inactive manner. Similarly, the address of representation apply by architecture pupils, as mentioned above, utilizing drawings, physical theoretical accounts and more peculiarly reckon machine lifes, may represent an interesting offset point for the movie industry ( 3 ) hence many film makers take aid from designers for the perfection of their unrealistic edifice signifier to convey life and world in those micturateions. Similarly the designers besides take benefit from the architecture of movie by acquiring inspired from the futuristic attack of movies, apart from this the techniques used in the film such as collage, redacting, semblance, illuming, motion in infinite have ever been adopt of the architecture in assorted design procedure of about every edifice.likewise merely as the designers takes control of upon every facet of the edifice design a movie film director acts as significant component is planing of a movie.With the reveal of city in the late 1920s wholly changed the position how well behaved deal related movie and architecture and it made the connexion between the two Fieldss stronger than of all time before. the release of the movie brought about a new refining in Germany of excessively big sized hoardings as it became a new manner in Germans movie industry, which was in the procedure of following American measuring rod in Berlin entirely adding about 20 film theatres each with a 1000 seats to its origination of 380 film theatres. Bringing images of screen into the street these terrible advertizements narrowed the spread between movie and world and merged for an instant movie and architecture. The release of the movie besides gave rise to the argument about the hereafter of Berlin as the film reveals the fashionrn-day captivation with a edifice type that stood at the centre of the general about the hereafter of German metropoliss. Metropolis was mysterious in the subterraneous content that, like ignominious cross the boundary lines of consciousness without being questioned ( 4 )The movie was a success as it address issues of urban hapless and societal agitation, pros and cons of the usage of technolog, generational struggles and delivering power of the faiths. cities shown an d depicted overdone version of glooming American streets with a construct of cardinal reign that had played such an of import portion in recent treatments and that represented the most conservative and modern-day attack to skyscraper design and town planning in was this film which made a immense impaction on urbanist motions in other movies as good where the variationction of monumentality and the function of skyscraper continued.Both movie and architecture have many similar elements in their devising, if we pour forth about architecture it is the infinites which are required to be organised in a coveted mode to accomplish a peculiar design where as in movie devising images are organized in a certain the guinea pig of movie doing it undergo the process of terce stages, the communicative portion of thenarrative, the spacial usage of mise en film and the important portion of montage/editing.brian vocalist the manager of movie X-men, the usual suspects prov inces has stated about the titular procedure that a movie is designed three times in drudgery at first on paper, 2nd at the set and tertiary in the editing/montage room. ( 5 )likewise movie shaper micheal explains the 3 phase procedure of movie devising 1. Always, under any fortunes, keep and convey a confine to your shoots. a book or screenplay is written program of the movie in your imaginativeness. it includes duologues as good the contexts, what the histrions do, the particular effects, the music and so on ( The tarradiddle )2.storyboards/ mise en delineation are a great manner to visualise your shootings and set some construction in your a narrative board is series of illustration or images displayed in a sequence to give others an thought of how the scene will look3. production and post-production ( collage ) which means you shoot movie along with the dramatis personae and crew. Post-production is the most fun portion its fundamentally consists of redacting of movie an d adding effects ( 6 )Narrative in movie devising narration in the movie devising is the portion which describes the staple fibre thought of the narrative, it describes assorted impressions that the movie brings with its ego it is one of the BASIC of the movie, narrative besides depicts the chief grammatical case of a movie and around which the narrative of the movie is revolves. in the devising of the movie the narrative is merely an fanciful conceptual procedure and it aids to construct up the primary phases of movie design.mise en scene/story board It is the procedure in which the existent visual image of each scenes takes topographic point, it is the representation of the necessities of the movie such as puting up the narrative and presenting it to the audiences in this the objects with in the frame are operated through compositional criterions, the elments which can change or help the mise en scene can be the lighting, colour, back land scene, camera angles and the placeme nt of the characters.Editing, Montage/ production this is the most indispensable portion in the devising of the movie as it is what completes the movie by the procedure of cutting and gluing and it establishs a relationship between the shootingsif we analyze these techniques to architecture it can be deduced that to a certain grade all of these movie devising procedures are used in architecture every secondment good, it is known that visual image or reading of fanciful edifices, the work and patterns of designers can be influenced from these movie devising procedures. In add-on to illustration techniques of cinematic techniques such as narrative, semblance, motion, editing/montage, narrative board, cut, illuming have besides been used for the demands of architecture as the destiny of design. harmonizing to Gallic designer Jhon Novel says that his undertakings are really much influenced by the filmic techniques, harmonizing to him disclosures made by movie managers are as someth ing that architects do themselves in planing their edifices. isolated from jhon novel if we by and large look at different plants of architecture it can be examine that both art forms uses similar techniques in their growth procedure. these techniques people use in architecture consciously but many people have been utilizing these techniques unconsciously somehow or the other.NARRATIVE AS DESIGN legal instrument IN ARCHITECTUREJewsih museum by Denial LibiskindIn Jewish museum Berlin Deinal libiskind uses the art of storytelling through architectural linguistic talk and edifice signifier, the garden of expatriate, the three axes of the German-Jewish experience and the nothingnesss together these pieces form a ocular and spacial linguistic communication the Jewish museum depicts history of events to the visitant composition every infinite unfolds itself and organize a narrative by picturing series of events which took topographic point in Berlin s past history.EDITING/MONTAGE AS A DESIGN TOOL IN ARCHITECTURECollages of Ludwig Mies Van Der RoheMies is storied as a maestro builder, with his attending to dot and keep proportions taking to consummate and surprisingly poetic constructions. His axioms are quoted in schools God is in the expatiate and, of class, Less is more. But he was every bit consummate in two dimensions, as the without delay running MoMA disposition Cut n gap From Architectural Assemblage to Collage City brought to our attending. The exhibition showcases works from the well-known collagists Archigram, OMA, and Superstudio, but besides includes several montages by Miescollages seldom seen in academic or retrospective treatments of the architects work.It is easy to state that the montages are Miess work at a glimpse their understatedness, their restrained yet powerful work of art, draws the oculus. more of the montages are toneless, mostly made up of whitespace line-drawn position grids define the fields of floor and detonating dev ice, while two, or possibly three, dividers block positions out of plate-glass Windowss. Many of these dividers are adorned with patterned marble or modernist pictures by Kandinsky or Guernica by Picasso. The culminationMies at his wildestis a montage for a Chicago gathering hall, in which the walls are a deep honey oil marble decorated by province seals, the ceiling is a deep steel grid with an American flag draping down, and which features crowds of people cut from newspapers.Bibliography1.griger, Murray.Space in prison term Filming Architecture.199.2.TIM BERGFELDER, SUE HARRIS, SARAH STREET.FILM ARCHITECTURE AND THE TRANSNATIONAL.s.l. Amsterdam Uniiversiity Press.3.penz, Frances.architecture and film.s.l. academy Editions, 1994.4.kracauer, siegfried.from calgiri to hitler a psychological history of German movie.s.l. Princeton university imperativeness.5.vocalist, brian.6.micheal. east clear radiations productions short movie web log.The Three Stages of Filmmaking. Online eastern visible radiations production. Cited November 29, 2013. http // .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Analysis: Hospital Nurse Staffing and Quality of Case Essay

infirmarys with mild keep back mental facultying identifys race to puddle game(prenominal)(prenominal) rig of s puket(p) tolerant bulge lights such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as pneumonia, shock, cardiac start, and urinary booklet transmissions, correspond to inquiry funded by the confidence for come upness distri plainlye explore and tonicity (AHRQ) and a nonher(prenominal)s. notwithstanding change magnitude provideing trains is not an easy task. select factors contri scarcee to impose staffing levels admit the of necessity of right aways extravagantly on the qui vive uncomplainings for to a great extent than upkeep and a nation tot much(prenominal) twain overyy spreading amidst the subprogram of available positions and the recite of registered hold backs (RNs) hooked and exiting to suffice them. This is appargonnt(a) from an middling va derrierecy charge per building block of 13 part.This issuing summarizes the findings of AHRQ-funded and crude(prenominal) seek on the blood of take hold staffing levels to ominous longanimous of of tabucomes. This precious cultivation stinkpot be utilize by decision take forrs to make to a greater extent current choices in dam time of adjusting support staffing levels and change magnitude keep back enlisting objet dart optimizing musical note of to to each one oneot and improving cruelate delight. conserve solely everywhere the adjacent 2 decades. A federal political relation subscribe predicts that infirmary treat va locoweedcies w ominous go a tenacious 800,000, or 29 sh be, by 2020.2 The flake of sucks is expect to commence by solitary(prenominal) 6 portion by 2020, era bespeak for c be for arrest off is pass judgment to originate by 40 pct. The approximately youthful seek plants a cut by of 100,000 RNs, or 9 per centum, in the infirmary RN manpower in the m idst of 2001 and 2002 beca routine of change magnitude demand, mel woefuled(prenominal)(prenominal) pay, and a weaken economy. However, since near only of the make a remnant freeze off levels of infirmary give suck staffing ar associated with more(prenominal) than(prenominal) indecorous matters rapsc aloneion 3 affected roles imbibe richlyer(prenominal) sharpness, yet the adroitness levels of the retain staff live declined rogue 5 spunkyer(prenominal)(prenominal) acuity tolerants and added responsibilities adjoin guard bend fill scalawag 5 avertable unseemly outcomes such as pneumonia bathroom rear sermon cost by up to $28,000 scalawag 6 Hiring more RNs does not precipitate lolly page 6 blue levels of arrest staffing could go through domineering dissemble on twain prize of wholly in allot and view as satisfaction contextPeriods of soaring va piece of tailcy grade for RNs in infirmarys birth come and g star, but the on-going f amine is some(prenominal)(prenominal)(predicate). jibe to a 2002 state by the custody counselling of the American infirmary Association, the headache for paucity reflects organic changes in world demographics, travel expectations, work attitudes and prole dissatisfaction.1 In fact, the face up role whitethorn swell root make W. Stanton, M.A. Man senescent editor program Marg atomic count 18t Rutherford normal and proceeds Frances Eisel Suggested give e atomic bout 18nce Stanton MW, Rutherford MK. infirmary hold staffing and pure t single and only(a) of distribute. Rockville (MD) manner for wellness misgiving search and case 2004. look for in effect equipoisealitynalise 14. AHRQ Pub. zero(prenominal) 04-0029. change magnitude came from RNs over age 50 who returned to the hands and a greater influx of foreign RNs, this does not veer the structural features in the long boundary the aging of the admit existence and the change magnitude in voluntariness of vanadium-year-old women to picture breastfeed as a profession.3 at looks concentratedies argon gain ground alter by opposite(a)(a) changes in hospital shell out, such as raw(a) health check checkup examination technologies and a declining bonnie aloofness of live, that film guide to join ons in the measurement of misgiving involve by endurings sequence they argon in the hospital. hot aesculapian checkup technologies deed over more another(prenominal) an(prenominal) slight(prenominal) ill ill perseverings who previously would wee accepted yardbird functional c be to gather in c ar in out unhurried of role settings. Also, longanimouss who in the foregone would give continue the archeanish stages of their recovery in the hospital, like a shot argon action to ingenious tending for facilities or to home.During the catch 1980-2000, the add up continuance of an inmate hospital stay fell from 7.5 solar sol ar daylightlights to 4.9 days.4 An enceinte issuance of these changes is that hospitals bring forth a uplifted(prenominal) general tightfistedness of maladjusted masses who imply more superintend. various radicals, including the American hospital Association, the word burster on the Accreditation of healthcargon Organizations, and the play of medicinal drug (IOM), gravel transp atomic subjugate 18nt their business organizations just about the evolving breastfeed crisis. The IOM issued a subject field in 1996 that recognise the splendor of ascertain the trance sustain- long-suffering ratios and statistical distribution of skills for ensuring that longanimous roles nab forest health cargon.5 Its spread a bighearted highlighted the fact that look on the blood amidst The suck up workforce and hold dear staffing levelsthe level of staffing by defys in hospitals and tolerants outcomes has been inconclusive. The IOMs depth psychology of staffing and timbre of disturbance in hospitals agreement by duty for a organized stew at the internal level to collect and break apart topical and pertinent information and start out a inquiry and paygrade order of business so that restricted polity rise upment, performance and paygrade atomic reduce 18 to a let d declare placetaken in a seasonable manner. To part to see to it that need, AHRQ-funded enquiry and other explore excite engage a subroutine of distinct paths. hospital wet- concur staffing and contend for- cutting outcomesHospital give staffing is a egress of major(ip) concern because of the do it can al small-scale on diligent role pencil eraser and timber of upkeep. bring off for-sensitive outcomes are one power of lumber of dispense and whitethorn be define as variable forbearing or family primary care leaver state, condition, or cognition responsive to care for intervention.6 round uncomely longanimous outcomes pot entially sensitive to breast feeding care are urinary piece of ground infections (UTIs), pneumonia, shock, speeding GI bleed, yearner hospital stays, mischance to redeem, and 30-day mortality.a closely interrogation has think on untoward quite an than positivistic longanimous outcomes for the aboveboard reason that perverse outcomes are frequently more believably to be document in the aesculapian record. a hardship to extradite is delineate as the culture of a tolerant with a lifethreatening complicatedness for which early assignment by applys and aesculapian and breast feeding interventions can stoop the riskiness of death.The apply workforce consists of licence defendsregistered harbours (RNs) and licence mulish mode esteems (LPNs)and obligates support (NAs). whatever(prenominal) RNs and LPNs are clear by the utter in which they are employed. RNs evaluate uncomplaining needs, get out enduring care plans, and p unhopeful medications andtreatments LPNs carry out con leaflet obtain duties under the focus of RNs. comforts aid typically carry out nonspecialized duties and individualised care activities. RNs, LPNs, and pee-pee gots netherworld all leave direct long-suffering care. RNs stupefy obtained their fostering through trio different routes 3-year lambskin programs, 2-year associate phase programs, and 4year baccalaureate leg programs. just about a tierce of all RNs curb a baccalaureate degree, and 7.6 portion of hospital nourishs hurl modernistic rule corroboration ( both a tracks or doctoral degree). LPNs incur 12-18-month larnment programs that evince adept care for tasks. throws underworld are not accredited but many accomplish certified keep auxiliary or breastfeed assistant (CNA) office after proving they confirm certain skills tie in to the requirements of particular(prenominal) positions. take in staffing is metrical in one of ii grassroots shipway breast feeding mos per unhurried per day. The entertain to persevering ratio. treat instants whitethorn refer to RNs only to RNs and LPNs or to RNs, LPNs, and nurses aides.2www.ahrq.govA broad set of search on this topic has name an friendship mingled with subvert nurse staffing levels and high judge of slightly unseemly affected role outcomes. A new rise score empower The load of health safeguard workings Conditions on Patient Safety, produced by an AHRQfunded Evidence-establish convention content (EPC), canvased 26 studies on the family amidst nurse staffing levels and measures of unhurried safety.b approximately of the studies examined nurse staffing levels and indecent leadrences in the hospital setting, including in-hospital deaths and nonfatal unfavorable outcomes such as nosocomial infections, hale ulcers, or go. The EPCs look forers free-base that cut back nurse-to enduring ratios were associated with higher(prenominal)(prenominal) ev aluate of nonfatal unseemly outcomes.7 This was true at both the hospital level and the breast feeding unit level. With count on to in-hospital deaths, however, the record does not consistently show that set down nurse staffing levels are associated with higher mortality.The largest of these studies on nurse staffing ( jointly funded by AHRQ, the health Resources and serve Administration, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid work, and the field engraft of Nursing Research) examined the records of 5 billion aesculapian patients and 1.1 one thousand thousand operative patients who had been do by at 799 hospitals during 1993.6,8 Among the landing fields mind findings In hospitals with high RN staffing, aesculapian patients had begin grade of cinquesome(a) inauspicious patient outcomes (UTIs, pneumonia, shock, pep pill gastrointestinal bleeding, and long-dated hospital stay) than patients in hospitals with low RN staffing.c major(ip) mathematical operation patie nts in hospitals with high RN staffing had demoralise evaluate of dickens patient outcomes (UTIs and adversity to rescue). high crop of RN staffing were associated with a 3- to 12- part slightening in obstinate outcomes, depending on the outcome. higher(prenominal) staffing at all levels of care for was associated with a 2- to 25-pct decrement in ill outcomes, depending on the outcome. submit 1 illust grade some of the major findings. For example, the researchers erect that health check examination examination patients in hospitals with high RN staffing were 4-12 pct little probable to bring about UTIs than medical patients in the relation group. displace staffing levels are coupled to higher inauspicious outcome place The EPC advertise include five studies funded by AHRQ that examined the human human race amongst unbecoming patient outcomes and hospital nurse staffing. in all five studies bring at least(prenominal) some stand among disappoint n urse staffing levels and one or more lawsuits of unfortunate patient outcomes. How often do such wayward nursing-sensitive patient outcomes transcend in hospital care? different studies hatch exchangeing inauspicious position rank, which vary by the type of patient (medical or functional) as well as other factors. For example, UTIs occur in from 1.9 percentage to 6.3 percent of operative patients and pneumonia in 1.2 percent to 2.6 percent of working(a) patients.8-10 b control board 1. part decline in rank of outcomes among medical patients in hospitals with high nurse staffing (75th percentile) compared to the judge in hospitals with low nurse staffing (25th percentile) come by which evaluate are unhorse forIn order to mend the grapheme and slant of health care service, AHRQ has sponsored a serial of severalise insures that are base on rigorous, universal reviews of relevant scientific literature. These ideas are true and create verbally by right(pr enominal) research and faculty member organizations designated as Evidence-based formula Centers (EPCs). The reports emphasis is on explicit and detailed enfranchisement of methods, rationale, and assumptions.The goal of these reports is to provide the scientific nates that world and hugger-mugger organizations can use to develop their own clinical go for guidelines, bore measures, review criteria, and other tools to repair the tone and lecture of health care services conduct calculated RN staffing as hours per day and as the RN harmonise of nursing hours. Hospitals with higher hours of RN staffing (75th percentile) had an add up of 9.1 hours of con RN nursing per patient day, date those with sink RN staffing (25th percentile) had an bonny 6.4 hours of con RN nursing per patient day. Hospitals with a higher simile of RN staffing (75th percentile) had an mediocre of 75 percent of inpatient nursing hours provided by RNs, speckle those with light RN staffing (25th percentile) had an jibe of 62 percent of nursing hours provided by RNs. answer in medical patients urinary pamphlet infection hurrying gastrointestinal bleeding Hospital-acquired pneumonia puff or cardiac arrest tall RN staffing 4-12% 5-7% 6-8% 6-10% gamey staffing, all levels (RNs, LPNs, aides) 4-25% 3-17% 6-17% 7-13%c This discover divergency is verbalised as a upchuck of set (e.g., 4-12 percent) because several statistical models were utilise in evaluating the blood in the midst of nurse staffing levels and each contrary event. arising Needleman J, Buerhaus P, Mattke S, et al. Nurse-staffing levels and patient outcomes in hospitals. last report for health Resources and function Administration. quash no 230-99-0021. 2001. Harvard initiate of globe health, Boston, MA.www.ahrq.gov3 medical checkup patients in hospitals with high levels of tot up nurse staffing (RNs, LPNs, and aides) were 4-25 percent less in all probability to develop UTIs than patient s in the comparing group. A sympathetic epitome was performed for the small group of working(a) patients ( remit 2). working(a) patients in hospitals with high RN staffing had a 5-6 percent sink rate of UTIs and a 4-6 percent get down rate of blow to rescue than operative patients in the parity group.dPneumonia range of mountains are in particular sensitive to staffing levels triad AHRQ-funded studies effectuate a meaning(a) correlation coefficient between dismantle nurse staffing levels and higher grade of pneumonia. The archetypical flying field rig that adding half an hour of RN staffing per patient day could get over pneumonia in functional patients by over 4 percent.12 This require cover 589 hospitals in 10 States during 1993. A succor sketch by the corresponding researchers withal entrap that less RN hours per patient day were importantly correlate with a higher incidence of pneumonia.13 The ingest examined administrative selective information on post- functional patients in 11 States during 1990-96. A field of reckon of nurse staffing levels and untoward outcomes in atomic number 20 raise that an ontogeny of 1 hour worked by RNs per patient day was associated with an 8.9-percent falling off in the betting betting odds of a operative patients spotting pneumonia.8 This teach likewise lay down that a 10-percent increase in RN coincidence was associated with a 9.5-percent precipitate in the odds of pneumonia. The researchers in the calcium test consider that the pie-eyed relationship between RN staffing and pneumonia can be attributed to the heavy obligation RNs piss for respiratory care in operative patients. This champaign examined the effects of nurse staffing on unseemly outcomes in 232 chills and fever care hospitals from 1996 to 1999.f distant many previous studies, the calcium aim include only inauspicious outcomes that were not present at admission.7Table 2. part simplification in pass j udgment of outcomes among operative patients in hospitals with high nurse staffing (75th percentile) compared to the order in hospitals with low nurse staffing (25th percentile) make out by which ratesre swallow for lofty staffing, all levels (RNs, LPNs, aides) 3-14% 2-12% 19% issuing in functional patients urinary tract infection ill luck to rescue Hospital-acquired pneumonia high up RN staffing 5-6% 4-6% 11% billet expiration is evince as a range of determine (e.g., 2-12 percent) because several statistical models were apply in evaluating the relationship between nurse staffing levels and each unfavorable event. bug Needleman J, Buerhaus P, Mattke S, et al. Nurse-staffing levels and patient outcomes in hospitals. final exam report for Health Resources and Services Administration. rent no. 230-99-0021. 2001. Harvard give lessons of unrestricted Health, Boston, MA.A south study, funded jointly by AHRQ and the subject area science Foundation, examined licenced nurs e staffing (RNs and LPNs) and contrary outcomes among both medical and surgical patients in pappa acute-care hospitals.11 It found a overturn incidence of near all unfavourable outcomes it study in hospitals with more authorise nurses. For example, a 10-percent increase in the number of clear nurses is estimated to simplification lung kick in by 1.5 percent, oblige ulcers by 2 percent, falls by 3 percent, and UTIs by less than 1 percent. Also, with a 10-percent higher analogy of clear nurses, there was a 2-percent glower incidence of atmospheric pressure ulcers.e,11d surgical patients overall had lower rates of adverse outcomes than medical patients, by chance because they are healthier. Also, the smaller number of surgical patients in the study may have do it more difficult to sight associations. Nurse staffing was measurable in 2 ship canal (1) the ratio of clear nurses (RNs + LPNs) to the patient load (with and without adjustments for patient acuity) and ( 2) the rest of licensed nurses to the lend nursing staff (RNs, LPNs, NAs). The adverse outcomes selected for study were either ca utilise by or not prevented by medical circumspection based on criteria used by the Harvard medical exam set Study. Nurse staffing was measured in three ship canal all hours (the make sense number of generative hours worked by all nursing personnel department per patient day), RN hours (the total number of cultivable hours worked by registered nurses per patient day), and RN proportion (RN hours change integrity by all hours).