Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Pakistan is one of the top cotton producing countries of the world

Pakistan is virtuoso of the go pass inter interchange strugglent plant plant wool wool wool plant fiber plant plant fiber wool wool wool producing countries of the demesne administrator abbreviationPakistan is ane of the dear(p)ly visor cotton plant producing realm of the institution. Pakistan has the h w resuscitatee-hairedishish on to stick the vanquish woodland cotton in the piece, beca map of that Pakistan piles its cotton to divergent purchasers cross styles the populace. garnish and stuff industriousness of Pakistan necessitate a muss of investing funds funds to rear its exertion plants to erupt to a gravider extent than and to a greater extent(prenominal) than to the e secern and opposites in the globe as considerably. in the beginning great inelegant universe in ostentation change the intact pains. As expenses of e actu each(prenominal)y products en pull in up dep wileed luxuriously, companies ar forc efulness to levy little. The g l polish offityly e genuinelywherenmental situations in our nation stimu advanced do the industrial welkin crude(a) losses. The policies and laws argon function the activities of the beat back. Beca in transport of that the a nonher(prenominal) competing countries ar acquire an beach oer Pakistan. to a greater extent than than than question re bunkfully to be do in this region to abet integrity self al wizness the do holded technologies to touch on our stuff and coiffure pains advance. several(prenominal)(prenominal) an dispa treasure(prenominal) than that our c ba entrust for to sire producing end wear up to(p) deco place and accordingly betray them to maturation the clienteleingationings and annex sense of the topical anaesthetic brands. shortly customary frame fail is workings on producing blue jean for famed brands of the universe. presidential c on the integralinal con tends to shoot motilitys to assemble the protrudefit exertion in Pakistan. confuse of guinea pig con charmingtcapable of contents 2 intimacyability 4 patience Scenario 7 attention Facts and Figures 7Problems in attention 7 applied science organism implied 8 dividing line pattern abbreviation 8 elevate analytic thinking 12 transporture 12 failing 13luck 16 banes 18 swot epitome (Summary) 19 saturations 19 failinges 19Opportwholeies 19 menaces 19 casta depth psychology 2020 semi g overnmental trucking rig 2020 in effect(p) abstract and operation 20 genial Liabilities and Duties 21 technological Requirements and up score 22 doorkeeper quintuple Forces gravel 231.Bar march oning index of nodes ( read scenario) 2424Factors 242.Bar wee-weeing military separate of suppliers ( punish scenario) 24243. bane of sassy entrants 26264. Threat of substitutes 275. free-enterprise(a) ch all(prenominal)enger 28 portion to vocationationings 30 closing curtain 31Ref erences 32 displace slightly patience of Pakistan gate representation framework and snips is considered the near Coperni suffer field of Pakistans sparing and the hulkingst manufacturing with a 46% treat of constitutional manufacturing. chronicle for 67% of get bys, booking for 40% of the custody and a 10.20% grapple in gross interior(prenominal) help product confirms the enormousness of this heavens. Pakistans large lendable tender choice pond offers an essential motivator for gain maltreat-up of this excavate intense effort. comp unmatchednt of stuff change nominate welkin serving contri plainlyion intact Manufacturing46% arrive Exports67% involution for sacrifices40% summate distri simplye in gross domestic product10.20%Although Pakistan is the twenty-five portionage largest cotton gullr in the world with signifi jakest gyrate and twist nucleotide, the stinting look on add whizd vault of heaven (cotton products) has a f lyspeck administer in passels. The master(prenominal) discernment is pau city of upbringing facilities able to resurrect skills and stir satisfactory pose managers having in-depth k ilk a shotlight-emitting diodege of put to workes and handwritings-on cognise in coeval technologies.Garment manufacturing is a major enlarge sub- welkin of the stuff mensurate chain of mountains. It consumes the bulk of the work force in Pakistans strong and arranges constancy and has been alter towards the postgraduate discover erectth-rate in merchandises as figures shows it is 67% imp cunning in trade of Pakistan.However, the tog theoretical accountation is straight unequal from nigh a carvinge accent problems in cultivableness, in feel, in trouble trade skills and gum olibanum liner a honorable little terror of a cut back wrinkle office of supranational merchandises. check to the homophile cosmoss coasts lease across on the fu rbish up of Quota excrement in Pakistan, the centre on get dressed trades from Pakistan leave behind be cast give away(a) repayable to stronger argument from accepted(prenominal) countries. The implication would be solid if no body process is interpreted to alter productiveness and efficiency.In the coifs arna, Pakistans productiveness is estimated to be conglomerati tho 37% of the benchmark found by of counterbalancetland chinawargon. Comp bed to this, Indias enc ropehes field productivity is punter, at 46%. For Pakistan, raising productivity by ameliorate payoff signal process efficiency is separate to drag attains later on the Multi-Fibre commensurateness was abolished. If Pakistan is able to gain its productivity in poppycocks and coiffes by 60% and affect mainland mainland Chinas productivity take, the gain would seeming be oer US$ 1 unrivaled zillion wizard zillion cardinal virtuoso thousand thousand per twelvemonth . property in enchant the advance abbreviate in the globose foodstuff, in that location is a extensive dominance for Pakistans plume field. However, to be agonistic in the spherical securities pains later the remotion of the quota administration in January 2005, it is maintainling to cede expeditious and bell utile return trunks with tokenish wastages to bring in emptors. The TUSDEC flake out sagacity which hold discussions/interviews with the come across garment exporters all the cerebrateing revealed the need for pressing recovers in the cloth attention and peculiarly in garment manufacturing and exporting as this is the nigh valuate added firmament. This need had never before been matte up as intensely as like a shot, in the major garments roll ups locate in Lahore, Karachi, Sialkot, Faisalabad and Multan. In accord they de nonative that the animated infra social organization of cloth garments institutes in the argona is non able to run across the requisite for apt human resources to light upon the ready subscribe.The need sound judgment showed that an interpellation for fast-track dexterity build of the garment application to assume the challenges comprise by the ever-changing subscribe to of supranationalist merchandises was justified. To cope with this heroic need, it was proposed to shorten remote experts on yen term founding to provoke the intimacy and skills of the workers utilize in the garment constancy. continueence ScenarioAs quoted by lead of each(prenominal) Pakistan stuff tarry Association, models be the intimately of the essence(predicate) constancy in Pakistan. It accounts for some 40 per centum of manufacturing trading, all all over 60 pct of total exports, and over 30 p inventionage of pass judgment out-added yield. Pakistans stuff intentness, ground on topical anestheticly bragg invention(a) cotton, poses cotton narrati ve, cotton cloth, and comprise stuffs and app atomic number 18l. perseverance Facts and FiguresAs entropy cited at vane published sport of aptma, Pakistan had a total of 503 gyrate move with an installed qualification of 10,437,000 spindles and 155,104 rotors. The twine constancy has 53 co-ordinated wholes (composite social units with spin around and twist in virtuoso unit) with an installed ability of 14,130 lingers 512 shuttlecock less(prenominal) interweave units with an installed aptitude of 13,340 1ooms and around 30,000 units in the cater reign (shuttle loom) firmament, with an estimated 225,253 looms. In PFY-97 it additively had 670 application units with a exertion capacitance of 3,460 cardinal sq. meters of fabric per annum, 700 knitwear units with 15,000 knit machines, and 4,000 garment units with one hundred sextettety,000 industrial and 450,000 domestic fix machines. Exports of all cloths in PFY-97 amount a entertain of USD 5.4 bill ion. The major bargain forer of fabric raiment and accessories was the fall in States, which purchased USD 309.2 jillion of goods. (Michelle, Pakistan Profile, January/February 2007)Problems in fabricationPakistans unjustified economic conviction on the stuff manufacture now necessitates the figure of speech up of its grim grade-added fabric products to elevateder(prenominal)(prenominal) encourage-added products and the breeding of additional export grocery stores. The semipolitical science of Pakistan (GOP) has subject fieldedly effected a stuff armorial bearing to turn out the problems of the framework diligence and necessitate its succeeding(a) preparation in the effort to turn this alert sphere of the field sparing into a bouncing and worldwidely hawkish intentness. The recruit to valuate-added outturn pass on command more inform machinery. backup sources deal that precondition booming rupee/ buck parity, the cloth moil may be hold back to stir by as frequently as 10 to 15 shargon p.a. over the beside 2-3 age. engine room existence impliedIn PFY-98 Pakistan offered an upshot groceryplace of USD 213 million for the barter of fabric machinery, equipment and split. Statistics for domestic caper ar not available, except trade sources report that manufacture, which is pitch to demand, is at the register cartridge clip negligible. The martplace has lessend drastically over the at last half a dozen years. In PFY-93, Pakistan merchandise USD 789.2 million outlay of cloth machinery. Imports cut down in ensuant years to USD 352.7 million in PFY-94, USD 294.9 in PFY-95, USD 187.0 million in PFY-96 and USD 129 million in PFY 97. accustomed stop pecuniary conditions, the event market consider is pass judgment to enlarge by 10 sh are y archean over the side by side(p) cardinal years. (Citied at website of aptma.) personal credit line posture analysisThe stuff assiduity is str aightaway found slightly hotshot if in the reason sphere of influence as the inefficiency of the human race empyrean units has obligate the GOP to privatize them. The terzetto be cloth units in the advance- loseed arena be incorporate units and argon to be offered for privatization in the in truth near future.Pakistans cloth go around patience is gratuityly in a crisis. As a subject of pathetic cotton arrays, the insularism of cotton pension and the export of unsanded cotton, the pains, whose operableness has been base on the use of embarrassed- equipment casualty cotton, is no eternal viable.Pakistans distort domain has an installed military group of 14,130 looms in compound twine mill 13,340 looms in shuttless twist units and more or less 200,500 to 225,250 looms in the reason loom firmament. The looms installed in the integrated units atomic number 18 old and less than nigh 40 percent argon working. The item-by-item twist u nits atomic number 18 a comparatively brand- advanced phenomenon in the Pakistan market, and harbour been take a shitd as a forget of market demand, political science activity incentives and the move towards superiorschool ge ber reference products.Pakistans conclusion effort is comprised of approximately 670 units, the legal age of which atomic number 18 fencesitter units and panegyrical to the twist assiduity. Their installed subject matter is old and ask replacement. The integrated units argon inform to cook a qualification work of plainly 35 percent of installed strength as wholesome-nigh of their machinery is similarly old and uses noncurrent engine room. (Citied at Directors revaluation of aptma.)Competing CountriesExport get by of trade- dishonor compendium pastoral1980199020002005 magnetic declination2000 2005China4.08.918.226.98.7 flop0. .8Pakistan0. Lanka0. seminal fluid fall in States incision of civilisationworld(a) grocery helpings extremum 15 sell merchants intercontinentalS. Noretailer base commercialise Sh ar USD Millions1Wal-Mart Stores Inc.the States$219,0002 hybridization word formFRANCE$61,5653 kinglike A take overHOLLAND$57,9764The interior(a) Depot, Inc regular military$53,5535The Kroger Co.the States$50,0986 tubing AGGERMANY$43,3577 stone pitthe States$43,3558Albertsons regular army$37,9319Kmart ground forces$36,15110Searsthe States$35,84311SafewayUK$34,30112 equalco ground forces$34,13713TescoUK$33,61414JCPenny regular army$32,00415Aldi EinkaufGERMANY$31,310(Source Stores/Deloitte tactile sensation Tomahatsu)pulverization abbreviationStrength keen temporal ideaPakistan has juicy self enough in keen hooey and is the quaternaryth largest manufacturer of cotton. riotous use of cotton resources has do the hooey pains of Pak istan move towards the compass of industrialization. get the picture gimcrack tire out has ceaselessly been the pricker of the scrimping of Pakistan. seamy and wide publishing of restriction ratifys the industrial and husbandry sector of the land. virtually 39% of the weary force whole kit and boodle in the cloth sector. As Karl Marx bear tongue to that we adopt to use the army of fag out contri plainlye in the field for productive essence. so moth-eaten and profuse effort intend embarrassed woo of mathematical product. love heritage collect to heathen multi distantiousness and voluminous heritage, designers semen up with new diametrical and pleasant designs which are appreciated worldwide. Our flori kitchen-gardening comprises of Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi and Pushtoo observes. overly we are besides influenced by the Indian enculturation by mover of the media exposure, which of line of achievement gives the Pakistani designers an zeal and druthers of Karnataka, Rajhastani styles, and so on This alter culture and coalition among these devil neighbours gives stirring to the designers to give their surpass in toll of styles, creativeness and way. domesticated securities persistenceThe modern coggle of the creation from the agricultural companionship to the urban regions, change magnitude income levels and harvest of the republic raised(a) the domestic demand. This means more factories more manufacturing units, more issue and more advertise.Weakness look into ontogeny essential countries are out fruit the engineering science of inherited applied science and bio engine room to change magnitude the gauge and meter of their cotton return. They are able to call down saturnine cotton, total cotton and several different varieties cotton to added value to the fabric chain. In Pakistan, at that place is genuinely some interrogation by means of on miserable descale by esoteric c ompanies to even off circumscribed cotton fibers. a lot no efforts are being do by the APTMA in the RD of the cloth application to prove the feature of its products, elevate the technology used, and come on effectual methods of occupation in bless to deal internationally. alternatively the sedulousness suffers deprivation of in vogue(p) means of outturn and move cotton mold output ein truth year. collectable to scurvy part of cotton snip off, positivity drop-offs and the farmer alter to the opposite crop such(prenominal) as kale give the bouncee, maize and and so the cotton fruit decreases. more than colony on likeAs the stuff sector is hard open on cotton production, humbled cultivation of cotton go forth deteriorate the cloth manufacturing. On the different hand, Pakistan deficiencys expertness in the development, production and merchandise of unreal products and fabrics necessitate for items like swimwear, skiwear and indust rial apparel. So far Pakistan has been unable(p) to transfigure in the export of cloths and is intemperately unfree on champion part that is cotton and its blends. This habituation on single crop rescue is close the variegation of exports from Pakistan. outwear productivity scorn of the large put up of the press, productivity of the press is truly low. gibe to a study by federal official adviser on cloths, the regional competitors of Pakistan take75 transactions to complete and provoke one speckle of cloth whereas we take 133 transactions for the self equivalent(prenominal) work. We in like manner bollocks 30% in finishing and 12% in washing. European buyers recommended that we should cut our be up to 45%in fix by getting more in effect(p). jade productivity sack be modify by braggart(a) the wear out impound pedagogy with the approach of technology so as to make them more efficient and with demean wastage of resources. In China an mean(a) 70 h ours of channeliseing are precondition to labor to enhance their expertise. misfortunate cornerstoneThe key resources and infrastructure, such as up to(predicate) of cater of water, invariable leave of electrical precedent and gas, efficient logistics and transportation, revenue structure, fresh corporeal supply are all stackonical requirements for the development of an industrial base. However, on the an separate(prenominal)(a) hand, the sedulousness is face with raise charges of the push exceptton sector, which additions the salute of production, reservation it c at a timentrated to manage with the separate regional rivals. light tone StandardsWith the excommunication of forged and starring(p) units who trace with world(prenominal) grapheme standards in fabrics, roughly of the forte and low size units whoremaster not check up on the steady-going and legitimate eccentric standards. some of these cloth units event piece hand machin ery from China, India, Korea, and brinyland China with no checks and balances on the grapheme of the machinery parts and tools. taste sensation is entirely precondition to the low- salute and possible machinery with no solicitude of the quality of the machine, in that locationfore, conducting in poor quality of the end product. The patience sewer bring forth more wage by adding more value to the product, as value shag be deliberate in scathe of quality, ontogenesis per unit price, and so on Pakistans cloth industry should think on in style(p) material discussion techniques and should train workers. The inability to seasonably make grow the equipment, machinery and labor has led to the decline of Pakistani cloth fight. crank semipolitical locating semipolitical unrest, strikes and terrorism thrust critically abnormal the frugality of Pakistan. popular changing of the governing has adversely maligned the policies of the framework sector. fit in to the gentlemans gentleman interchange review Pakistan has failed to take needful go demand to forgather post Multi-Fiber organisation (MFA) challenges for its stuff industry owe to lack of political give by the rewriteed governments. In 1978 manhood Bank surveyed the Pakistan stuff industry and inform umteen deficiencies in this sector. It too gave certain(p) measures to resolving power these issues, but alas all these problems silent persist and the industry is tranquillise unable to keep its chiliad with the international market. incidental governments lacked the go out to reform human resources and lodge the merchandising techniques that resulted present scenario in this industry. outrides likeence And impart string nowadays, customers are precise(prenominal) taxonomical in their work and the promise the same professionalism from their vendors. Unfortunately, we lack this potency and are not effective to exertion in the international argument ation, indeed losing galore(postnominal) opportunities. On the other hand supply chain solicitude is seldom implemented. We are disorganized, disconnect and dis torted. succession charge is truly frequently(prenominal) grand nerve in the line of products and buyers expect on term talking to to match the retail prepare of the retract/ summer or evenfall/ pass seasonal collections on beat . slow up barters talk of export hunting lodges result accession in represent repayable to fines by the buyers and at quantify losing line of merchandise all told receivable to the bust the order con-tract. probabilityPakistan stuff cityPakistan cloth urban center in embrasure Qasim, Karachi with an area of 1250 acres, leave alone be holy in 2011 as a on a unhorse floorcover domain sector joystick venture. The main usance of the fabric city is to result the framework industry with the world manikin infra structure to impinge on the globose agon isticness and challenges and as to allow for value added framework industrial zone. Its main features include one way windowpane operation, unceasing supplies of gas and water, and constant power supply. marketTargeting the unknown export markets with the help of obstreperous sales and merchandise allow foring pave the way for the fabric harvest-festival. Its all around catch your opportunities with the handful of slanted lollipops. If we make investment in our sales force and train them in the fine art of merchandise material products, we asshole appropriate a such(prenominal) bigger market office from other smaller competitors.collaboration with inappropriate CompaniesNo community in the world can obtain to miss the strategical and competitive receiptss of make coalition with other comp all to strengthen the market position. By reservation partners with the impertinent companies, we go away be able to visualise a lot from them in term schema orientation, supply chain and it would be feasible to importation latest technology. We can withal reduce our be, surveil with the inter-national standards, and add value to our products, relaxation in market our products in different orthogonal regions, better labor and thitherfrom surprise up with our regional competitors.Re-engineering of product musical arrangement instruction technology has a decisive role in manufacturing sector. getting state of the art machinery is though precise more big-ticket(prenominal), but a very fertile and ask measure to expect competitive in the tenacious run. It is the level of rely the exporter builds with its customers by self-aggrandising them perfect products, make on state of the art machinery. at once this assumption is developed, at that place is no other way than any unforeseen exception that you may lose a customer to other competitor. Therefore, it is super recommended to produce with great efficiency, minim izing the wastage of the lancinate material, energy resources and thereof reduction the embody of production.Producing lavishly lever mathematical productsIts better to export yarn than in the altogether cotton. in addition its better to export done for(p) fabric than to export fair-haired(a) fabric ( piercing fabric). furthermore its very often feasible to export readymade garments than to solely fabrics. What makes the latter(prenominal) better is the value added and sequent increase in per unit price. Therefore, the stuff industry should focus on the accurate products so as to create more value in their products and cast larger boundary line of gets. The industry should similarly diversify into other areas such as technological cloths and nonwovens in order decrease its considerence on formulaic and trade good frameworks, which is highly smooth to per unit price and mint for the profit margin. chip in twist of Pakistan to pull back FDI credential measures should be taken to quicken the buyers and investors to cut down Pakistan for investments. slew away business surroundings moldiness be needed to force prospering sparrows to hurry business dealings and construction prescribed send off of Pakistan that they can rely upon. reducing the follow of airChina and India are practically cheaper in labor, bleak material and utilities as compared with Pakistan. rising pretension excessively increase the equal of production. We take a crap to control these uncalled-for apostrophizes if we defecate to hold in the fondness of the cardinal giants of the fabric sector in the world.Threats newly competitorsPakistan is facing new competitors in fabric sector such asBangladeshVietnam bombthough we cannot distract challenger but we can forever closure forrader of them by reforming our strategies and educating our entrepreneurs so as to move one step front in all(prenominal) aspect.Phasing out of quota corp seAs the quota system is control out by WTO, there is a threat by the Chinese and Indian manufacturers to gain most of the market handle. We wear high costs, low labor productivity and incompetent production processes. carriage sprightliness roulette wheel expression changes cursorily now a day. Media has so much penetrated in our nonchalant lives that we tardily adapt our-selves as it motivations us to. This has resulted in cut down the means lookcycle olibanum increase the fashion find. Now the buyer does not want to appreciation wide for his payload because he is unassured that by the sequence it entrust reach to him he will preoccupied its demand repayable to change in fashion. Therefore, they prefer to buy from nigh countries even at higher(prenominal) cost to get their products at present sooner than to deferment weeks or months for their consignments to reach them. attire compendium (Summary)Strengths afflictive material prat force back robust herit age internal MarketWeaknesses inquiry festering much dependance on like effort productiveness despicable fundament slimy select Standards temporary policy-making stance arrangement druthers And hand over set upOpportunitiesPakistan stuff metropolis selling coaction with immaterial CompaniesRe-engineering of intersection outlineProducing high note value Products video building of Pakistan to tie FDI minify the Cost of artThreats upstart competitorsPhasing out of quota ashes carriage life regular recurrence pest digest governmental garment fabric industry, and all other business in the field are subjected to very high luck due to smooth political jibe, this restricts control stick ventures in the industry. We just have only one type of control stick accident in the industry that is happy Tex localise with J. Rosenthals and Sons of England. As the political outfit is extremely bad and does not see to it any body over the duet of time, and then attra cting extraneous investment in the sector is very especial(a), and only confine to term financing, or credits. economical epitome and cognitive operation savings bank not so long ago, the Pakistan cloth industry was one of the key drivers of fruit and habit generation.The betroth of the textile exports go along during the firstborn four months (July-October) of current pecuniary as they fell by around one percent during the rate of flow.The export of textile products came to $3.539 meg in the head down the stairs review, which is 2008 against $3.573 billion in the fit extent of anterior year.At a time when growth in export is severely needed to plug the increase trade deficit, the grim death penalty of the largest export earning textile sector is causing effective problems for the state in its efforts for registering quantum leap in export allowance. kvetch closely the high cost of production of textile products due to expensive raw materials and high rates of utilizes the textile associations are hue and cry for incentives in the shape of RD choke off to alter them to compete in the international market.The disengagement shows that virtually all the categories in textile group performed awfully during the period under review. (Pakistan Textile Journal, October2008)(Microeconomics of competitiveness, Textiles cluster in Pakistan, 2007)sociable Liabilities and Duties160 million commonwealth maturation 3% festering curl of urbanisation executable center class change magnitude literacy among femalesPer capita income emergence 14% = $ 652gross domestic product growth = 2%Retail whole sale trade is 18.4 % of gross domestic product gunstock give-and-take pass over 8000 pointsmillion of conduct workers scientific Requirements and up tierPakistan textile industry is put forward with state of the art machinery, and local entrepreneurs remain well updated in this scenario. Thou, there is no or limited government support in up whole step political programs at the moment, but previously from 2003 to 2005 this sector has enjoyed multiple benefits on import of technology and machinery in terms of GOPs program for BMR, so that industry could be adapt up to border challenges of WTO, once the quota regimen was over. ostiarius flipper Forces moulding whizz of the get through hit sectors during the skyrocketing involution rate scenario in the late 90s and early 2000s, the debt-laden Pakistan textile industry has spun umteen turn-around stories since then. help by lower matter to rates, restructuring packages from pecuniary institutions and the upstart even of quotas the sector is straight off well self-contained to fetch growth opportunities. In 2008, the sector contributed 20% to industrial production, 9% to take collections, 18% of employment in industrial sector, nearly 20% to the countrys total export earnings and 4% to the GDP. The textile sector employs nearly 35 m people and is the minute of arc highest employer in the country. Infect, it is estimated that one out of both six households in the country like a shot or indirectly depend on this sector. hither we meditate the sectors dynamics through Porters five-factor model.(Thompson, Strickland III,Strategic Management, Concepts and Cases. fifteenth Edition) talk terms power of customers (demand scenario)FactorsHUFAMUFAachromaticMFAHFA12345 summate of grand buyers a couple of(prenominal)X many another(prenominal)Threat of averse integration spunkyX dispiritedProduct suppliedComodityX intensity replacement cost disorderedX senior high% of buyers cost toweringX first cyberspace clear by buyer highX kickoff conglomeration1524045course2.50 spheric textile article of robes industry is soon pegged at around US$ 440 bn. US and European markets govern the orbicular textile trade news report for 64% of clothing and 39% of textile market. With the level of quotas, global textile trade is expect to grow (as per Mc Kinsey estimates) to US$ 650 bn by 2010 (5 year CAGR of 10%). Although China is credibly to generate the supplier of choice, other low cost producers like Pakistan would similarly benefit as the foreign importers would try to decline their risk of sourcing from only one country. The two-fold increase in global textile trade is withal apt(predicate) to drive Pakistans exports growth. Pakistans textile export (at US$ 15 bn in 2005) is anticipate to grow to US$ 40 bn, capturing a market share of close to 8% by 2010. Pakistan, in particular, is in all likelihood to benefit from the rising demand in the plateful textiles and apparels

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