Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Greek Cultural Influences

The culture of ancient Greece reflects the greatness of the individual in society in worldy different ways. The Hellenics used fraud, philosophy, and plane their system of presidency to convey their beliefs in the importance of one single man in a society. Greek maneuverists lay outed apprize for the individual. All throng were portrayed in Greek art, from the sagging old woman to the ideal athlete. Although early Greek art focused on the valet ideal, their subsequent art shows that the Greeks comprehended only forms, and prove the benignant body in general to be a beautiful thing. counterbalance the graven images in Greek art showed how exceedingly the Greeks c ar ford mercifulity. The gods were depicted as human beings, and were do to human scale no large overpowering deity was ever portrayed in their art. The Greeks apprehended themselves in their art as much as they deemd the gods. Even on the most famous temple of all time, the Par indeedon, realit y were portrayed. The frieze that decorated the upper face of the Parthenon depicted the human procession in honour of the god Athena. It was not just sculptures and architecture that showed Greek pride in the individual.Greek sport showed a huge gustation for humans in all their glory. The Greeks cherished human emotions their plays covered a wide array of subjects, all the way from the tragedies of war to the comedic side of meat of a society in the perils of war. These subjects piddle away it viable to reveal the Greek appreciation for real life situations, showing the value they placed on human actions, scarcely most of all on human nature. Like the various forms of Greek art, the government of ancient Greece apprehended the individual by creating an milieu in which individuals were free to elicit themselves.Tyrants like Pisistratus and Cleisthenes came to power to try and make the polis a better place for the individual. These tyrants ameliorate the state in many w ays they helped make it possible for the rich and miserable people to have equal rights, and they created the conditions for the construction of the glorious monumental buildings ancient Greece is remembered for today. Although not all tyrants were good, they all had one thing in common they were all citizens of Greece, and govern to better the lifestyle of the citizens of Greece.After the end of tyranny, Greece had a democracy a government ruled by the people for the people. This democracy was make up of a number of committees who did everything from working the laws all the way to handling soldiery affairs. Any man could become a member of these committees if they were at least xviii years of age. Individuals were elected by the people for exactly one year. This system as well as made it so that even the poor citizens were not powerless, and it enabled Greek legislation to be governed by newfangled people with new ideas every term.Clearly, the Greeks took advantage of the a bilities of its citizens. Along with creating a fair society for its citizens to live in, the Greeks withal promoted the forward thinking and ideas of its people. The philosophies of such Greeks as Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates helped shape Greek society in many ways. Plato valued the ability of all people, and believed that the ideal polis would be one in which every citizen would do his part harmonize to his or her abilities, and there would be no distinguishing marks between the rich and the poor.Socrates to a fault valued people in that he believed human beings and their environment are the indispensable subject of philosophical inquiry, meaning that humans and their actions were extremely complex and hard to understand, so they were worth studying. He also believed that the moral sense of an individual provided better morals then even the laws of the government he valued other peoples thoughts and what they had to say. The last of the three major(ip) Greek philosophers, Aris totle, believed that god had no purpose, and accordingly people were to depend upon themselves.All of these philosophers are similar in that they all appreciated the thoughts and ideas of every individual, and their own ideas helped make it possible for all people of ancient Greece to appreciate what they had to say. The various characteristics of Greek society show pride in the individual in a number of different ways. The Greeks created an environment in which human actions, emotions, and imaginations were appreciated and encouraged. valet were the subjects of statues, dramatic performances, and even philosophical debate. The Greeks were appreciated by themselves as well as the polis.

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